Examples of First degree sexual assault in a sentence
First degree sexual assault is a Class [X] crime subject to a maximum term of imprisonment of [X], a maximum fine of [X], or both.
First degree sexual assault - also called rape: Sexual penetration by a part of a person's body or by any object into the genital, oral or anal openings that occurs when there is a) force or coercion or b) mental or physical inability to communicate unwillingness to engage in an act of which the accused is or had reason to be aware.
First degree sexual assault requires that the sexual act be sexual intercourse or sexual intrusion.
Under State of Wisconsin law 940.225, rape is referred to as sexual assault, and is defined as sexual intercourse against the will of the victim that can occur under a variety of circumstances, including: (1) First degree sexual assault.
There are two degrees of the both felonies, as follows: First degree sexual assault of a child is sexual contact or sexual intercourse with a person who has not attained the age of 13 years.
First degree sexual assault and second degree sexual assault of a child where force is used (Statutes §948.02(1) and §948.02(2)).
First degree sexual assault is defined as sexual contact or intercourse without consent and causing great bodily harm or impregnation, by use or threat of use of a dangerous weapon, or aiding or abetting by one or more persons and having sexual contact without consent by use of force or violence.
First degree sexual assault: A person is guilty of first degree sexual assault if he or she engages in sexual penetration with another person, and if any of the following circumstances exist: (1) The accused, not being the spouse, knows or has reason to know that the victim is mentally incapacitated, mentally disabled, or physically helpless.
Sartorius sprzedaje, a Klient nabywa Towary lub Usługi zgodnie z pisemną Wyceną Sartorius zaakceptowaną przez Klienta lub każdym pisemnym zamówieniem Klienta zaakceptowanym w formie Pisemnej przez Sartorius, z zastrzeżeniem w obu przypadkach niniejszych OW, które regulują Umowę z wyłączeniem wszelkich innych warunków, na podstawie których niniejsza Wycena została zaakceptowana lub rzekomo zaakceptowana, lub niniejsze zamówienie zostało złożone lub rzekomo złożone przez Klienta.
RapeAccording to the Clery Act, “rape” is penetration, no matter how slight, of the vagina or anus with any body part or object, or oral penetration by a sex organ of another person, without the consent of the victim.21 Sexual AssaultAn offense that meets the definition of rape, fondling, incest, or statutory rape as used in the FBI’s UCR program.22 In the state of Wisconsin, sexual assault is differentiated by degree, with the following definitions:(1) First degree sexual assault.