First Occupation definition

First Occupation means the first Occupation of the Development for the purposes permitted by the Planning Permission and the expression “First Occupy” and “First Occupied” shall be construed accordingly;
First Occupation means the date the First Occupier occupies the Affordable Dwelling
First Occupation means beneficial occupation for any use for which the Proposed Development was designed (or part of the Proposed Development where the context so requires) other than occupation for the purposes of construction, fitting out or marketing;

Examples of First Occupation in a sentence

  • The Agreement cannot be signed by an agent acting on behalf of any party) 2 1 Phase BW Job Number Number of Service Connections Plots Commencement of Mainlaying Connection of Mains Date of First Service Connection Date of Last Service Connection Date of First Occupation Date of Last Occupation (previously approved as part of the design of the Self Lay Works) Scheme name MLA 1234567 1.

  • You must declare an occupation, but your First Occupation is free.

  • First OccupationNotes: Your First Occupation determines how you make your living.

  • From the above mentioned, it is clear that the First Occupation License is a must to be able to live in a property, and therefore, from the date it as been granted, and not before, the property corresponds to what mentioned in the project and to the purpose why it was built, and therefore the property can be inhabited without any risks, and the above cannot be certified by an architect.

  • Given that the Staff itself has raised explicit and implicit questions about the validity of Ramuhalli 2017 as a document that can be relied on by Beyond Nuclear, Beyond Nuclear has good cause to cite and address it.

More Definitions of First Occupation

First Occupation means the date on which a Completed Dwelling is occupied or used for the purposes permitted by the Planning Permission but not including occupation by personnel engaged in construction fitting out or decoration or occupation for marketing or display or occupation in relation to security operations
First Occupation means the occupation of the Care Home by its first Resident. “Highway Contribution” the sum of ONE HUNDRED AND FORTY POUNDS (£140.00)
First Occupation means the first occupation of a Dwellinghouse as such or the time at which the Dwellinghouse becomes liable for payment to the Council of council tax whichever is the sooner.
First Occupation means the first Occupation of any part of the DevelopmentImplementation Notice
First Occupation means the first day on which there shall be Occupation;
First Occupation means the first occupation of all or any part of the Development and references to “First Occupy” or “First Occupied” shall be construed accordingly;
First Occupation means the first Occupation of the Development excluding