Affordable Dwelling definition
Affordable Dwelling means a house, flat or maisonette (including any Non Attributed Grant Unit) developed with the benefit of grant payable under this Agreement and in relation to each relevant Firm Scheme as more particularly described in the relevant Firm Scheme Details; Affordable Home Ownership means low cost home ownership on Newbuild HomeBuy Lease terms or on Equity Loan Terms; Affordable Home Ownership Dwelling means an Affordable Dwelling to be disposed of on Affordable Home Ownership terms;
Affordable Dwelling means a Dwelling forming part of the Affordable Housing together with Access and such entrance way corridors parking areas and other ancillary areas as are necessary for the enjoyment of such a dwelling
Affordable Dwelling means any one of the said dwellings
Examples of Affordable Dwelling in a sentence
Indicate if subsidized units participate in either the Affordable Dwelling Unit program (ADU) or Workforce Dwelling Unit program (WDU).
Densities/intensities above the overlay level, utilizing PDH bonus provision or other bonus (except as permitted under the Affordable Dwelling Unit Ordinance) shall not be allowed.
If the Affordable Dwelling Unit ordinance (ADU) is applicable, then the applicant shall satisfy this element by complying with the ADU requirements as stated in the Zoning Ordinance (Article 2, Part 8).
The Applicant must provide Affordable Dwelling Units (“ADUs”) pursuant to § 2-800 et seq.
Town review of such applications shall not exceed 180 days.3.17.3 Affordable Dwelling Unit Density AdjustmentsA.
More Definitions of Affordable Dwelling
Affordable Dwelling means a dwelling within a Development Site which is to be provided as Affordable Housing;
Affordable Dwelling means any [Affordable Rented Units or Intermediate Units] to be constructed as part of the Proposed Development and which are to be disposed of to persons or households in housing need (including those on moderate incomes)]; [Affordable Rented Units means any units designated as London Affordable Rent.] [Commercial Unit(s) means any building or part of a building on the Property which is designated or intended for use or occupation exclusively for trade or business or other non- residential uses.] Community Infrastructure Levy means the charge known by that name, as provided for in the Planning Xxx 0000 and any charge, levy, tax or imposition substituted for it and including related interest, penalties, liabilities, surcharges and costs of compliance. Completion Date means the date [20] Working Days after the Unconditional Date or (if later) the date [20] Working Days after any adjustment of the Initial Purchase Price pursuant to clause Conditions means the Funding Condition [and] the Planning Condition [and the Supplementary Condition].
Affordable Dwelling means the unit of residential accommodation (or
Affordable Dwelling means an Affordable Dwelling in relation to which a Recovery Event occurs;
Affordable Dwelling means a house, flat or maisonette developed or purchased pursuant to this Agreement and made permanently available by a Registered Provider for letting to persons at rents not exceeding the Affordable Rent level and let on (as applicable) assured non-shorthold tenancy or fixed tenancy terms and as more particularly described in the relevant Firm Scheme Details;
Affordable Dwelling means the dwelling (including any associated parking space(s) and residential curtilage) on the Land known as [ ]3 for Qualifying Persons who are either releasing an Alternative Affordable Home elsewhere or are in Housing Need which was constructed on the Land pursuant to the Planning Permission
Affordable Dwelling means any one of the said dwellings 11 In the case of Towns 12 In the case of Parishes 13 Insert details