School administrator means a superintendent, principal or his/her designee assistant principal//technical center director or his/her designee and/or the District’s Equity Coordinator.
Regional Administrator means the Regional Administrator of Region 10 of the EPA, or the authorized representative of the Regional Administrator.
SARON Administrator means the SIX Swiss Exchange AG (or any successor administrator of the Swiss Average Rate Overnight).
Settlement Administrator means the administrator proposed by the Parties and appointed by the Court to administer the Settlement.
SOFR Administrator means the Federal Reserve Bank of New York (or a successor administrator of the secured overnight financing rate).
Program Administrator means the person retained by the Wisconsin PACE Commission as provided in subsection (5)(b).
Beginning administrator means a building level or district level leader who has not completed three (3) years of experience as a building level or district level administrator.
Records administrator means the director, county clerk, municipal secretary, superintendent, or other person responsible for maintaining the records of the local governmental entity.
Chief School Administrator means the Superintendent of Schools or the Administrative Principal if there is no Superintendent.