Examples of Fisheries activities in a sentence
Based on our current level of operations, additional borrowings, and ongoing efforts to manage and enhance our liquidity profile, we believe that these sources will be adequate to meet our liquidity needs for at least the next 12 months.
Fisheries activities Beira, Buzi and Machanga area According to the Ministry of Fisheries (http://www.mozpesca.gov.mz) Sofala bank extends from Angoche (16 º 30 south) to the Save River (21 ° 00 S) in a track away from the coast of about 40 km and an area of approximately 50,000 km2.
Draft, 1 February 1 2002, with input from a lawyer from MAFF: “Community Fisheries activities is fished for family-scale only.” Also, family-scale is reinserted in the Rights of the Community Fisheries section.
Fisheries activities in the region have conventionally been subject to a number of licenses and taxes.
Fisheries activities have been implemented only in Jeneponto so far, where one FG of 60 members received 30 outboard engines to upgrade operational capacity of existing canoes.
Fisheries activities in the PICTs can be either inshore/coastal or offshore/oceanic, and fall into three broad categories: revenue generation from access fees for distant water fleets; domestic and foreign fishers operating for export in the EEZ and territorial sea to supply canneries, loining facilities and domestic processing facilities; and artisanal fisheries within the territorial sea for the domestic and export market (Grynberg 2003).
The technical staff dealing with various types of schemes shall be trained to cater to the needs of the farmers/fishermen in order to undertake Fisheries activities on commercial scale and to improve their economy from the small holdings.
Many other statutes, international conventions, and treaties also guide NOAA Fisheries activities.
All emissions figures based on BEIS (2019), 2017 Greenhouse Gas Emissions: Final Figures.
Fisheries activities of the French fleet in Indian Ocean in 2018 was in the continuity of these last years in many aspects: fleet capacity, fishing effort.