Examples of Fixed Transmission Right in a sentence
Delaware law permits any stockholder to inspect or obtain copies of a corporation's stockholder list and its other books and records for any purpose reasonably related to such person's interest as a stockholder.
A target allocation of Transmission Congestion Credits for each Transmission Customer or entity holding an FTR acquired by other means shall be determined for each Fixed Transmission Right.
Each Fixed Transmission Right shall be multiplied by the percent of the Network Service User's annual peak load assigned to each load bus multiplied by the difference calculated as the Network Service User's load bus Locational Marginal Price minus the generation bus Locational Marginal Price of the Network Resource associated with the Fixed Transmission Right.
Each Fixed Transmission Right shall be multiplied by the hourly Locational Marginal Price differences for the receipt and delivery points associated with the Fixed Transmission Right, calculated as the Locational Marginal Price at the delivery point(s) minus the Locational Marginal Price at the receipt point(s).
In addition, any holder of a Fixed Transmission Right for the period covered by an auction may offer such Fixed Transmission Right for sale in such auction.
MARION : Well, Hr. Ctairman , I recall that after the first year of exist ence of the City of Winnipeg , there were representations made with respect to this section and I haven't heard after that dialogue, I don't think that there were any further obj ections brought forward by the of ficial delegation so I certainly on behalf of the Liberal Party have no hang-up against the section.
Within two (2) business days after the close of an auction, the Office of the Interconnection shall post the winning bidders, the megawatt quantity, and the receipt and delivery points for each Fixed Transmission Right awarded in the auction and the price at which each Fixed Transmission Right was awarded.
Each Fixed Transmission Right sold in an auction shall, at the end of the period for which the Fixed Transmission Rights were auctioned, revert to the offering holder or the entity to which the offering holder has transferred such Fixed Transmission Right, subject to the term of the Fixed Transmission Right itself and to the right of such holder or transferee to offer the Fixed Transmission Right in the next or any subsequent auction during the term of the Fixed Transmission Right.
Each Fixed Transmission Right acquired in a Fixed Transmission Rights auction shall entitle the holder to credits of Transmission Congestion Charges for the one-month period for which the Fixed Transmission Rights were auctioned.
Acquisition of a Capacity Credit shall not entitle the holder to a Fixed Transmission Right.