Flood plains definition

Flood plains means the area adjoining a river or stream which has been or may be covered by flood water.
Flood plains means areas inundated during a 100-year flood event or identified by the National Flood Insurance Program as an A Zone or V Zone on Flood Insurance Rate Maps or Flood Hazard Boundary Maps.

Examples of Flood plains in a sentence

  • Flood plains represent areas where excess water can be accommodated whether through drainage by streams or through storage by wetlands and other natural detention/retention areas.

  • Flood plains and associated wetlands have a critical role in maintaining the overall flow regime in riverine systems.

  • CPED or HRA will consider, but is not limited to, the following environmental criteria when evaluating a proposed site: - Noise- Flood plains and wetlands- Site safety- Toxic and hazardous waste- Underground storage tanks- Asbestos and lead based paint CPED or HRA may in their sole discretion reject projects on behalf of the Board, for Applications that appear unsuitable for the proposed project.

  • Flood plains as defined in the approved master Plan or notified by the relevant department shall be dealt with strictly in accordance with the recommendations of the Master Plan.

  • Flood plains that are no longer active (flooded dur-ing flows in excess of geomorphic bankfull discharge)may still exhibit remnant flood plain features with wetland hydrology due to surface runoff and pond- ing.

  • Flood plains not currently subject to periodic flooding can include constructed features for improvement of wet- land functions.

  • Flood plains, salmon habitat, and sand and gravel mining, Washington Department of Natural Resources, Division of Geology and Earth Resources.

  • CPED or HRA will consider, but is not limited to, the following environmental criteria when evaluating a proposed site: - Noise- Flood plains and wetlands- Site safety- Toxic and hazardous waste- Underground storage tanks- Asbestos CPED or HRA may in their sole discretion reject projects on behalf of the Board, applications that appear unsuitable for the housing proposed.

  • Flood plains of broad valleys may contain one or more abandoned meander belts in addition to the zone flanking the active stream channel.

  • Flood plains, as defined in Chapter 9J-5.003(30), F.A.C., include V or A flood zones as designated by FEMA.

Related to Flood plains

  • Special Flood Hazard Area means an area that FEMA’s current flood maps indicate has at least a one percent (1%) chance of a flood equal to or exceeding the base flood elevation (a 100-year flood) in any given year.

  • Health hazard means any condition, device or practice in a water system or its operation resulting from a real or potential danger to the health and well-being of consumers. The word "severe" as used to qualify "health hazard" means a hazard to the health of the user that could be expected to result in death or significant reduction in the quality of life.