Examples of Food manufacturer in a sentence
There are multiple HACCP plans listed at http://seafood.ucdavis.edu/haccp/Plans.htm and other web sites that can be used as examples.● Texas Department of State Health Services - Food manufacturer license # 1011080.● Aquaculture Certification Council (ACC) and Best Aquaculture Practices (BAP) - Provide shrimp production certification for shrimp marketing purposes to mainly well-established vendors.
The Technical Specification for Products may be used by a Food manufacturer (defined herein as an “operator).
Food manufacturer is the “homooeconomicu” with bounded rationality who pursues the maximum of his profits.
Potentially affected entities may include, but are not limited to:• Crop production (NAICS code 111),e.g., agricultural workers; greenhouse, nursery, and floriculture workers; farmers.• Animal production (NAICS code112), e.g., cattle ranchers and farmers, dairy cattle farmers, livestock farmers.• Food manufacturer (NAICS code311), e.g., agricultural workers; farmers; greenhouse, nursery, and floriculture workers; ranchers; pesticide applicators.
The answers were related to the free will of the citizen, “we listen to the market” [Food manufacturer], and food industry openness to supporting and designing initiatives to promote healthy eating as part of their corporate social responsibility, which has been repeatedly accused of being just a marketing exercise (Fleming and Jones, 2013).
It contains educational material for 32 educational hours for children, teachers and parents [Food manufacturer].
Lemaire, ‘Origine de la regle nullum sine dote fiat coniugium’, [in:] Mélanges Paul Fournier [= Bibliothèque d’Histoire du droit 1], Paris 1929, pp.
There are multiple HACCP plans listed at http://seafood.ucdavis.edu/haccp/Plans.htm and other web sites that can be used as examples.● Texas Department of State Health Services - Food manufacturer license # 1011080.● Aquaculture Certification Council (ACC) and Best Aquaculture Practices (BAP) - Provide shrimp production certification for shrimp marketing purposes to mainly well- established vendors.
Food manufacturer license fees are determined in accordance with the size of the manufacturer’s facility and the degree of risk the manufacturer poses for outbreak of food borne illness.
Potentially affected entities may include, but are not limited to:• Crop production/agriculture(NAICS 111)• Animal production (NAICS 112)• Food manufacturer (NAICS 311)• Pesticide manufacturing (NAICS 32532)This listing is not intended to beexhaustive, but rather provides a guide for readers regarding entities likely to be affected by this action.