Examples of For Spring semester in a sentence
The examination number normally should be the only student identification placed on examination responses.5 For Spring semester exams, a student should not indicate he or she intends to graduate.
The examination number normally should be the only student identification placed on examination responses.4 For Spring semester exams, a student should not indicate he or she intends to graduate.
For Spring semester Good Faith Offer assignments, each nursing adjunct faculty shall be notified no later than December 1 of the preceding calendar year.
For Spring semester, it means that you only need to pay the rent from January to May and live till the end of August.
For Spring semester 2010, students will not be able to register without campus email.
Send all of the above to:Elisabeth Genaux, School of Education edgenaux@alaska.eduUniversity of Alaska Southeast 11066 Auke Lake Way Juneau, Alaska 99801 Application cutoff dates for Spring, Summer, and Fall Semesters For Spring semester applicant, December 15th For Summer semester applicant, May 1st For Fall semester applicant, Aug 1st We admit students on a rolling basis: that is, when your file is complete, we review it immediately.
For Spring semester (coverage months February to August), if unit members do not have a summer assignment to cover the employee premium contribution from their payroll check, then the total July and August employee premium contribution will be paid by personal check to the District payroll department by the fifth business day of the month of coverage.
For Spring semester 2013 (a semester with no faculty members on sabbatical) faculty (including one adjunct professor) are engaged in 29 two-‐hour labs and seven three-‐hour labs.
Send all of the above to:Elisabeth Genaux, School of Education dgenaux@alaska.eduUniversity of Alaska Southeast 11066 Auke Lake Way Juneau, Alaska 99801 Application cutoff dates for Spring, Summer, and Fall Semesters • For Spring semester applicant, December 15th• For Summer semester applicant, May 1st• For Fall semester applicant, Aug 1st We admit students on a rolling basis: that is, when your file is complete, we review it immediately.
And those who create or capture value need to keep in mind that there are those who can’t – and we have to become more inclusive in our value creation exercise: this is where sustainability is about changing mind-sets and practices, so that we leave a world that is viable for the next generations.