Year 3 definition
Examples of Year 3 in a sentence
An employee participating in DROP for a period of five (5) years will have terminal sick leave deposited as follows: Year 1 20% of balance of sick leave Year 2 25% of balance of sick leave Year 3 35% of balance of sick leave Year 4 50% of balance of sick leave Year 5 100% of balance of sick leave At termination of DROP, 100% of balance.
For example, if in Year 3 the Investment Shortfall Percentage was 55%, the PILOT Payment is $840,160 and the Tax Savings is $1,400,000, so the Investment Recovery Payment would be $1,400,000.
Senior Medical Practitioner Year 1 to Year 3 (previously cited levels 16 to 18).
From a base value defined in Year 3, disbursement of 200,000 for each percentage point of improvement in the level of French language skills of students from grade 8 (grade 2 of lower secondary) up to a maximum of 5 percentage points 1,000,000 12.6: In Year 5 students have improved their mathematics skills.
From a base value defined in Year 3, disbursement of 200,000 for each percentage point of improvement in the mathematical skills of students from grade 8 (grade 2 of lower secondary) in collège up to a maximum of 5 points 1,000,000 TOTAL AMOUNT 60,650,000 (*) some DLI and DLR numbers are intentionally omitted to ensure consistency in the numbering of DLIs and DLRs between this Agreement, the Original Financing Agreement and the Original Grant Agreement.