Forensic medical examination definition
Examples of Forensic medical examination in a sentence
Work Instruction 2016/4 Forensic medical examination for supporting evidence, 1 July 2016, available in Dutch at:
Forensic medical examination: An examination conducted to gather evidence for use in courts of law.
The range of services includes:● Forensic medical examination with extensive documentation of injuries and, where needed, preservation of evidence and preparation of an expert opinion.● Information about further support options● Referral to other services, for example further medical investigation and treatment, specialist support services and/or psychological or legal counsellingThe services of the clinical-forensic examination centre are free of charge to victims.
Forensic medical examination: An examination by any healthcare provider who provides medical care and gathers evidence of a sexually oriented crime in a manner suitable for use in a court of law, provided to a victim reporting a sexually oriented crime to a healthcare provider, as defined in T.
Work Instruction 2016/4 Forensic medical examination for supporting evidence, 1 July 2016, available in Dutch at: