Medical History Sample Clauses

Medical History. Relevant physical health conditions reported by the beneficiary or a significant support person. Include name and address of current source of medical treatment. For children and adolescents, the history must include prenatal and perinatal events and relevant/significant developmental history. If possible, include other medical information from medical records or relevant consultation reports;
Medical History. Collect medical history information, including information on all medications used within the past 30 days. Include herbal therapies, vitamins, and all over-the-counter as well as prescription medications. Throughout the subject’s participation, obtain information on any changes in medical health and/or the use of concomitant medications. Medical History and Concomitant Medications will be collected in the eCRF as outlined in the MOP.
Medical History. Do you have any medical history, allergies or medications which you would like us to have on record? [ ] No [ ] Yes, explain: Baggage, accident, medical and trip cancellation/interruption insurance is recommended. Crafty Gemini LLC cannot be responsible for extra expenses due to delays and changes in your itinerary for reasons beyond our control. I understand that I may purchase travel insurance for baggage, accident, medical and trip cancellation/interruption refunds through a travel insurance company (consult with you travel agent) and [ ] I DO or [ ] I DO NOT intend to obtain travel insurance to cover any losses related to a 2023 Crafty Gemini Sewing/Quilting Retreat.
Medical History. All statements concerning my medical history, insurance information and emergency contacts in the medical history that follows are current, accurate, and complete (use additional sheets if necessary). I understand that I am required to carry a complete medical history on my person at all times during the course of the Performance Tour. The following information is a full and correct statement of my medical history:
Medical History. I understand that participation in this activity is NOT recommended for persons who have any allergies or medical conditions or problems such as heart condition, seizures, high blood pressure, stomach problems, joint problems, hearing difficulty, breathing condition, diabetes, back problems, vision problems, migraines, dizziness, poor circulation, arthritis, toothaches, past surgery, or any other medical condition or difficulty that would prevent me from safely participating in this event. If I or the participant named below has any of these or other conditions or problems and still chooses to participate in this activity, I assume all risks associated with such participation. Release of Photographs: I understand that photographs and/or videotapes of me and my family members may be taken for use in promoting the City of Xxxxx activities and facilities in future editions of CenterPoint, in a variety of other publications, on signage throughout the Community Center, and for other uses by the City of Xxxxx. I hereby give my permission to use such photographs without compensation to me. With clear knowledge of the risks involved in participation with the indoor rock climbing facility, including, but not limited to those outlined herein, I voluntarily assume all risks associated with participation, known or unknown, and I agree to follow all safety policies and procedures established by the City of Xxxxx for participation with the indoor rock climbing facility. I further certify, acknowledge and agree that the participant named below is of the physical, emotional and mental capability necessary for participation with the indoor rock climbing facility, at the present date and any future date.
Medical History. Relevant medical history, including history of current disease, post ETI sweat test results (if available), other pertinent respiratory history, and information regarding underlying diseases will be recorded.
Medical History. Patient Name: Date: / / What skin issue are you here for: Are you ALLERGIC to LATEX? YES NO If Yes, explain reaction: Have you ever had a SKIN CANCER? YES NO If YES, Circle Type: MELANOMA BASAL CELL CARCINOMA SQUAMOUS CELL CARCINOMA Is there a FAMILY HISTORY of MELANOMA: YES NO Who? Is there a FAMILY HISTORY of Other SKIN CANCER : YES NO Who? Have you ever been diagnosed with HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE (hypertension) or DIABETES? : YES NO Are you taking ASPIRIN, MULTI-VITAMINS, FISH OIL or HERBAL SUPPLEMENTS?: YES NO Do you currently use Nicotine? YES NO How many yrs? Tobacco Vaping electronic pen Are you ALLERGIC to any medicines? YES NO If Yes, please list: MEDICATION ALLERGY REACTION MEDICATIONS and SUPPLEMENTS/HERBALS you are currently taking : NONE
Medical History. The crew member is required to declare here and upon arrival a previous history of any of the following:
Medical History. The following information is confidential and will be used only for aiding University personnel and emergency personnel in providing appropriate medical care in the event of an emergency.
Medical History. Has your medical history been normal/unremarkable? Yes No If no, please explain: Have you received any medical diagnoses? Yes No Please explain: Circle All that Apply: Yes No Have you had an MRI? Yes No Have you had an EEG? Yes No Frequent ear infections? Yes No Hearing problems? Yes No Vision problems? Yes No Headaches? Have you ever been hospitalized, had surgeries, or major illnesses? What medications do you currently take? (Include over-the-counter supplements) Describe your sleep routine: Typical bed time: Typical wake time: Trouble falling asleep? Yes No Trouble staying asleep? Yes No Trouble waking up early? Yes No Any other sleep problems? Explain: Describe your diet: Describe your current level and type(s) of exercise: List any previous or current mental health diagnoses: Have you received therapy services or counseling in the past? Yes No Name of provider: Dates: Name of provider: Dates: Name of provider: Dates: Are you seeing a psychiatric clinician (Psychiatrist, Nurse Practitioner, Physician Assistant) for medication? Yes No Have you in the past? Yes No Name of Clinician: Dates of treatment: Medication(s) Prescribed: Is there a history of self-harm or suicidal thoughts, threats, or attempts? Please explain: Have you ever been hospitalized for mental health concerns? Please explain: Do you have a history of angry outbursts? Yes No If yes, please explain: Have you ever physically assaulted another person, animal, or object? Yes No If yes, please explain: Describe your personality: What are your non-academic strengths? What are your non-academic weaknesses? How do you spend your free time? What is your current level of alcohol and/or drug use?