ForexClear Contribution definition

ForexClear Contribution means an FXCCM's Contribution provided for under theForexClear Default Fund Supplement and shall include (i) any relevant ForexClear Unfunded Contributions in respect of the FXCCM, (ii) any relevant Supplementary Contribution in respect of the FXCCM, and (iii) if the Clearing Member is a ForexClear Option Clearing Member, the ForexClear Deliverable Default Fund Contribution of that ForexClear Option Clearing Member. For the avoidance of doubt, the ForexClear Contribution shall not include any of the ForexClear Liquidity Fund Contributions made by a ForexClear Option Clearing Member"ForexClear CTM Contract"means a ForexClear Contract that is not a ForexClear STM Contract"ForexClear Currency"means: (b) USD; (c) JPY; (d) EUR; "ForexClear Dealer (FXD)"(e) GBP; (f) CHF; or (g) AUD means a person admitted by the Clearing House to the Register of ForexClear Dealers and who has not been removed from the Register of ForexClear Dealers"ForexClear Dealer Clearing Agreement (FDC Agreement)"means a written agreement, in the form and on the terms prescribed by the Clearing House between an FXD, an FXCCM and the Clearing House"ForexClear Default Fund Supplement"means the Supplement relating to ForexClear Business"ForexClear Default Management Process"has the meaning assigned to it in the ForexClear DMP Annex in the Default Rules"ForexClear Default Management Process Completion Date"has the meaning assigned to it in the ForexClear DMP Annex in the Default Rules"ForexClear Default Period"has the meaning ascribed to it in Rule F2 of the ForexClear Default Fund Supplement"ForexClear Deliverable Contract”means a ForexClear Deliverable Forward Contract, ForexClear Option Contract, ForexClear Spot Contract or ForexClear Swap Contract
ForexClear Contribution means an FXCCM's Contribution provided for under the
ForexClear Contribution means the amount of an FXCCM's Contribution determined in accordance with the ForexClear Default Fund Supplement and shall include any ForexClear Unfunded Contributions and any relevant Supplementary Contribution deposited and made by the FXCCM with the Clearing House

Examples of ForexClear Contribution in a sentence

  • Each FCM Clearing Member's ForexClear Contribution is held in an account that is separate from any financial account containing such FCM Clearing Member's Contribution relating to any other Business Categories of FCM Contracts.

  • The amount of the MCE made available to an FXCCM in aggregate during any one day must not exceed an amount that is the lesser of: (a) 50% of the ForexClear MCE Default Fund Buffer; or (b) the sum of the FXCCM's Collateral in respect of initial margin and ForexClear Contribution.

  • ForexClear Contribution requirements will be notified to ForexClear Clearing Members at least two working days prior to each ForexClear Reset Day on Member Intranet Report 000032.

  • If a Resignation Effective Date has occurred in respect of a Resigning Member and the ForexClear Service pursuant to Rule F3(e) of the ForexClear Default Fund Supplement, then the Clearing House will repay the ForexClear Contribution that it holds for such Clearing Member (to the extent it has not been applied under the Default Rules) to the Clearing Member’s relevant PPS account on such Resignation Effective Date.

  • ForexClear Contributions will be called via PPS on the fourth working day of each month or more frequently pursuant to a determination of the ForexClear Contribution under Rule F2(a) of the Default Rules (each a "ForexClear Reset Day").

  • Excess ForexClear Contribution amounts due to ForexClear Clearing Members following the adjustment to the ForexClear Contribution will be repaid to ForexClear Clearing Members' PPS accounts on the ForexClear Reset Day immediately following the adjustment to the ForexClear Contribution.

  • Excess ForexClear Contribution amounts due to ForexClear Clearing Members following a ForexClear Determination Date will (subject to the Default Rules) be repaid to ForexClear Clearing Members' PPS accounts on the fourth business day immediately following such ForexClear Determination Date.

  • ForexClear Contributions will be called via PPS on the fourth business day of each month or otherwise pursuant to a determination of a ForexClear Contribution under the Default Rules.

  • Excess ForexClear Contribution amounts due to ForexClear Clearing Members following the adjustment to the ForexClear Contribution will berepaid to ForexClear Clearing Members' PPS accounts on the ForexClear Reset Day immediately following the adjustment to the ForexClear Contribution.

  • ForexClear Contribution requirements will be notified to ForexClear Clearing Members atleast two working days prior to each ForexClear Reset Day on Member Intranet Report 000032.

More Definitions of ForexClear Contribution

ForexClear Contribution means the amount of an FXCCM's Contribution determined in accordance with the ForexClear Default Fund Supplement and shall include any (i) ForexClear Unfunded Contributions, (ii) any relevant Supplementary Contribution deposited and made by the FXCCM with the Clearing House, and (iii) if the Clearing Member is a ForexClear Option Clearing Member, the ForexClear Option Service Default Fund Contribution of that ForexClear Option Clearing Member. For the avoidance of doubt, the ForexClear Contribution shall not include any of the ForexClear Liquidity Fund Contributions made by a ForexClear Option Clearing Member
ForexClear Contribution means, in relation to the Default Rules, the meaningassigned to it in rule 16 of the Default Rules.
ForexClear Contribution means an FXCCM's Contribution provided for under the ForexClear Default Fund Supplement and shall include (i) any relevant ForexClear Unfunded Contributions in respect of the FXCCM, and (ii) any relevant Supplementary Contribution in respect of the FXCCM. For the avoidance of doubt, the ForexClear Contribution shall not include any of the ForexClear Liquidity Fund Contributions made by a ForexClear Option Clearing Member "ForexClear CTM Contract" means a ForexClear Contract that is not a ForexClear STM Contract
ForexClear Contribution means the amount of an FXCCM's Contribution determined
ForexClear Contribution means the amount of an FXCCM's Contribution determined in accordance with the ForexClear Default Fund Supplement and shall include any ForexClear Unfunded Contributions and any relevant Supplementary Contribution deposited and made by the FXCCM with the Clearing House"ForexClear Dealer (FXD)"means a person admitted by the Clearing House to the Register of ForexClear Dealers and who has not been removed from the Register of ForexClear Dealers"ForexClear Dealer Clearing Agreement (FDC Agreement)"means a written agreement, in the form and on the terms prescribed by the Clearing House between an FXD, an FXCCM and the Clearing House"ForexClear Default Fund Supplement"means the Supplement relating to ForexClear Business"ForexClear Default Management Process"has the meaning assigned to it in the ForexClear DMP Annex in the Default Rules"ForexClear Default Management Process Completion Date"has the meaning assigned to it in the ForexClear DMP Annex in the Default Rules"ForexClear Default Period"has the meaning ascribed to it in Rule F2 of the ForexClear Default Fund Supplement"ForexClear Determination Date"has the meaning assigned to it in Rule F2 of the ForexClear Default Fund Supplement"ForexClear DMG"has the meaning assigned to it in the ForexClear DMP Annex in the Default Rules"ForexClear DMP"has the meaning assigned to it in the ForexClear DMP Annex in the Default Rules"ForexClear Eligibility Criteria"means the product eligibility criteria in respect of ForexClear Transactions as set out in the Product Specific Contract Terms and Eligibility Criteria Manual as published on the Clearing House's website from time to time"ForexClear Excess Loss"means the net sum or aggregate of net sums certified to be payable by a Defaulter in respect of ForexClear Business by a Rule 19 Certificate less (a) the proportion of the Capped Amount applicable to ForexClear Business under Rule 15(c) and (b) any sums then immediately payable in respect of ForexClear Business Default Losses owed by such Defaulter by any insurer or provider of analogous services under any policy of insurance or analogousinstrument written in favour of the Clearing House
ForexClear Contribution means, in relation to the Default Rules, the meaning assigned to it in rule 16 of the Default Rules.“ForexClear DMP”has the meaning assigned to it in the ForexClear DMP Annex of the Default Rules.“Futures Account Class”means the account class for futures accounts (as defined in CFTC Regulation 190.01(a)(i)) for purposes of Part 190 of the CFTC Regulations and Section 4d(a) of the CEA.“Futures/Options Contract”means the type of contract which is either (i) a contract for the purchase or sale of a commodity for future delivery that is traded on or subject to the rules of an Exchange, (ii) an option on any such contract or (iii) any similar type of contract, and which, in the case of any of the foregoing, is required to be segregated (along with any related margin) pursuant to Section 4d(a) of the CEA if cleared by an FCM for a customer.“Futures Product”means a Product which constitutes a Futures/Options Contract. Such Products are: FCM Nodal Contracts.“Hedged Account”has the meaning assigned to it in the FCM Procedures.“Ineligible FCM ForexClear Contract”has the meaning assigned to it in FCM Regulation 49(e)(ii).“Ineligible FCM ForexClear Transaction”has the meaning assigned to it in FCM Regulation 49(e)(i).“Ineligible FCM SwapClear Contract”has the meaning assigned to it in FCM Regulation 46(f).“Ineligible FCM SwapClear Transaction”has the meaning assigned to it in FCM Regulation 46(f).“Initial Margin”means, with respect to the amount of Margin attributable to a particular account or accounts of an FCM Clearing Member with the Clearing House, the portion of such Margin held in respect of the Clearing House’s initial margin requirements (as published from time to time by the Clearing House) in respect of the relevant FCM Contracts attributable to such account or accounts.“LCH.Clearnet Group”means the group of undertakings consisting of LCH.Clearnet Limited, LCH.Clearnet Group Limited, LCH.Clearnet LLC, LCH.Clearnet (Luxembourg) S.a.r.l., LCH.Clearnet Service Company Limited and Banque Centrale de CompensationS.A. trading as LCH.Clearnet SA. (any reference to a “member” of LCH.Clearnet Group Limited within these FCM Regulations is to be construed accordingly).

Related to ForexClear Contribution

  • Employer Contribution means the amount paid by an employer, as determined by the employer rate, including the normal and deficiency rates, contributions, and funds wherever used in this chapter.

  • Rollover Contributions means, for any Participant, his rollover contributions as provided in Section 7.1.

  • Campaign Contribution means a gift, subscription, loan, advance or deposit of money or other thing of value, including the estimated value of an in-kind contribution, that is made to or received by an applicable public official or any person authorized to raise, collect or expend contributions on that official’s behalf for the purpose of electing the official to either statewide or local office. “Campaign Contribution” includes the payment of a debt incurred in an election campaign, but does not include the value of services provided without compensation or unreimbursed travel or other personal expenses of individuals who volunteer a portion or all of their time on behalf of a candidate or political committee, nor does it include the administrative or solicitation expenses of a political committee that are paid by an organization that sponsors the committee.