Account class definition

Account class means each of the following types of customer accounts which must be recognized as a separate class of account by the trustee: futures accounts, foreign futures accounts, le- verage accounts, delivery accounts as defined in § 190.05(a)(2) of this part, and cleared swaps accounts.(2)(i) To the extent that the equity balance, as defined in § 190.07 of this part, of a customer in a commodity op- tion, as defined in § 1.3 of this chapter, may be commingled with the equity balance of such customer in any do- mestic commodity futures contract pursuant to regulations under the Act, the aggregate shall be treated for pur- poses of this part as being held in a fu- tures account. (ii) To the extent that such equity balance of a customer in a commodity option may be commingled with the equity balance of such customer in any cleared swaps account pursuant to reg- ulations under this act, the aggregate shall be treated for purposes of this part as being held in a cleared swaps account.(iii) If positions or transactions in commodity contracts that would other- wise belong to one account class (and the money, securities, or other prop- erty margining, guaranteeing, or secur- ing such positions or transactions), are, pursuant to a Commission rule, regulation, or order (or a derivatives clearing organization rule approved in accordance with § 39.15(b)(2) of this chapter), held separately from other positions and transactions in that ac- count class, and are commingled with positions or transactions in commodity contracts of another account class (and the money, securities, or other prop- erty margining, guaranteeing, or secur- ing such positions or transactions), then the former positions (and the rel- evant money, securities, or other prop- erty) shall be treated, for purposes of this part, as being held in an account of the latter account class.
Account class means each of the following types of customer accounts which must be recognized as a separate class of account by the trustee: futures accounts, foreign futures accounts, leverage accounts, commodity option accounts, delivery accounts as defined in § 190.05(a)(2), and, only with respect to the bankruptcy of a commodity broker that is a futures commission merchant, cleared OTC derivatives accounts; Provided, however, That to the extent that the equity balance, as defined in § 190.07, of a customer in acommodity option, as defined in§ 1.3(hh) of this chapter, may be commingled with the equity balance of such customer in any domestic commodity futures contract pursuant to regulations under the Act, the aggregate shall be treated for purposes of this part as being held in a futures account; Provided, further, that, if positions in commodity contracts that would otherwise belong to one account class (and the money, securities, and/or other property margining, guaranteeing, or securing such positions), are, pursuant to a Commission order, commingled with positions in commodity contracts of the futures account class (and the money, securities, and/or other property margining, guaranteeing, or securing such positions), then the former positions (and the relevant money, securities, and/or other property) shall be treated, for purposes of this part, as being held in an account of the futures account class.* * * * *(oo) Cleared OTC derivatives shall mean positions in commodity contracts that have not been entered into or traded on a contract market (as such term is defined in § 1.3(h) of this chapter) or on a derivatives transactionaggregated only in accordance with paragraph (b)(3) of this section.* * * * *■ 5. Amend ‘‘bankruptcy appendix form 4proof of claim’’ in Appendix A to Part 190 by revising paragraph a in section III to read as follows:Appendix A to Part 190—Bankruptcy Forms* * * * *bankruptcy appendix form 4—proof of claim* * * * *
Account class means each of the following types of customer accounts which must be recognized as a separate17 CFR Ch. I (4–1–01 Edition)class of account by the trustee: futures accounts, foreign futures accounts, le- verage accounts, commodity option ac- counts and delivery accounts as defined in § 190.05(a)(2): Provided, ho ever, That to the extent that the equity balance, as defined in § 190.07, of a customer in a commodity option, as defined in§ 1.3(hh) of this chapter, may be com- mingled with the equity balance of such customer in any domestic com- modity futures contract pursuant to regulations under the Act, the aggre- gate shall be treated for purposes of this part as being held in a futures ac- count.

Examples of Account class in a sentence

  • In Account class, define set and get methods for each instance variable.

  • Example:For account no variable, define the methods getAccountNo() and setAccountNo(int accno)In each and every method of Account class, reading data from and writing data to instance variables should be done through these variables.

  • For instance, consider the withdraw routine of the Account class.

  • A) Define two threads such that one thread should print even numbers and another thread should print odd numbers.B) Modify the Account class to implement thread synchronization concept.C) Define two threads such that one thread should read a line of text from text file and another thread should write that line of text to another file.

  • In Account class constructor, demonstrate the use of “this” keyword.

  • Create objects of Account class and call different method to test the class.b) Create a class Employee with name , empid ,salary as attribute and no_of_ employee and annual_incr ( % annual increment) as class variable.

  • The Account class defines synchronous objects that hold a user’s current account balance.

  • The platform-independent Account class is contained in a namespace called Analysis.

  • Demanded cross-cut might be defined as follows: method’s name contains "transfer" and the method has two parameters of the Account class.

  • It provides functions to generate different FSI summary pages in which searching and sorting by different criteria are provided.• FSI Account class corresponds to the “FSI Account” table in the database.

More Definitions of Account class

Account class means one or more of each of the following types of account maintained by a futures commission merchant or clearing organization (as applicable), each type of which must be recognized as a separate account class by the trustee:
Account class means each of the following types of customer accounts which must be recognized as a separate class of account by the trustee: futures accounts, foreign futures accounts, leverage accounts, commodity option accounts and delivery accounts…, and, only with respect to the bankruptcy of a commodity broker that is a [FCM], cleared OTC derivatives accounts….”• Proviso: Cleared OTC derivatives in customer segregated account pursuant to a CFTC 4d Order “shall be treated, for purposes of [Part 190], as being held in an account of the futures account class.” New Part 190 Definition:

Related to Account class

  • Settlement Classes means all Persons included in the Electrolytic Settlement Classes and the Film Settlement Classes.

  • Settlement Class means, in respect of each Proceeding, the settlement class defined in Schedule A.

  • asset class means the category of the underlying interest of a derivative and includes, for greater certainty, interest rate, foreign exchange, credit, equity and commodity;

  • Settlement Class Members means a member of a Settlement Class.

  • Principal Distribution Account means the account by that name established and maintained pursuant to Section 4.1 of the Sale and Servicing Agreement.

  • Distribution Accounts Collectively, the Upper-Tier REMIC Distribution Account, the Lower-Tier REMIC Distribution Account, the Excess Interest Distribution Account (and in each case any subaccount thereof), all of which may be subaccounts of a single Eligible Account.

  • First Class Mail When mailed first class to the last address of the recipient known to the party giving notice, notice is effective three (3) mail delivery days after deposit in a United States Postal Service office or mailbox. Certified Mail: When mailed certified mail, return receipt requested, notice is effective on receipt, if delivery is confirmed by a return receipt. Overnight Delivery: When delivered by overnight delivery (Federal Express/Airborne/United Parcel Service/DHL WorldWide Express) with charges prepaid or charged to the sender’s account, notice is effective on delivery, if delivery is confirmed by the delivery service. Facsimile transmission: When sent by facsimile to the facsimile number of the recipient known to the party giving notice, notice is effective on receipt, provided that, (a) a duplicate copy of the notice is promptly given by first-class or certified mail or by overnight delivery, or (b) the receiving party delivers a written confirmation of receipt. Any notice given facsimile shall be deemed received on the next business day if it is received after 5:00 p.m. (recipient’s time) or on a non-business day. Addresses for purpose of giving notice are as follows: To COUNTY: COUNTY OF MENDOCINO Xxxxx, XX 00000 Attn: To CONTRACTOR: [Name of Contractor] [Number and Street] [City, State, Zip Code] ATTN: Any correctly addressed notice that is refused, unclaimed, or undeliverable because of an act or omission of the party to be notified shall be deemed effective as of the first date that said notice was refused, unclaimed, or deemed undeliverable by the postal authorities, messenger, or overnight delivery service. Any party may change its address or facsimile number by giving the other party notice of the change in any manner permitted by this Agreement.

  • Settlement Class Member means a member of a Settlement Class.

  • Required Subordinated Amount of Class C Notes means, for the Class A( - ) Notes for any date of determination, an amount equal to the product of

  • Clearing Account has the meaning set forth in Section 2.7.1 hereof.

  • Note Distribution Account means the account designated as such, established and maintained pursuant to Section 5.1(a)(ii).

  • Required Subordinated Amount of Class D Notes means, for the Class C( - ) Notes for any date of determination, an amount equal to the sum of

  • Distribution Account Deposit Date As to any Distribution Date, 12:30 p.m. Pacific time on the Business Day immediately preceding such Distribution Date.

  • Funding Account has the meaning assigned to such term in Section 4.01(h).

  • Collection Accounts As defined in Section 3.10(a).

  • Related Classes As to any Uncertificated REMIC I Regular Interest, those classes of Certificates identified as "Related Classes of Certificates" to such Uncertificated REMIC I Regular Interest in the definition of Uncertificated REMIC I Regular Interest.

  • Administration Account As defined in Section 7.02.

  • Scheduled Classes As specified in the Preliminary Statement.

  • Transaction Account means a cash account established and maintained by Repo Custodian for the Funds to effect repurchase transactions pursuant to the Master Agreement.

  • Principal Collection Account A Securities Account created and maintained on the books and records of the Securities Intermediary entitled “Principal Collection Account” in the name of the Borrower and subject to the prior Lien of the Collateral Agent for the benefit of the Secured Parties.

  • Collection Account means the account designated as such, established and maintained pursuant to Section 5.1.

  • Settlement Class Period means the period from and including January 1, 2000 through July 20, 2021.

  • Reallocated Class B Principal Collections shall have the meaning ----------------------------------------- specified in subsection 4.14(b) of the Agreement.