Former Agency definition
Examples of Former Agency in a sentence
Contractor agrees, as of the date of this Contract and during the term of this Contract, to comply with the provisions of OCII’s Minimum Compensation Policy and Health Care Accountability Policy (the “Policies”), adopted by Former Agency Resolution 168-2001, as such policies may be amended from time to time (See Attachment E “Minimum Compensation Policy” and Attachment F “Health Care Accountability Policy”).
See also FDA Must Address Internet Advertising, Former Agency Commissioner Hayes Suggests, F-D-C REP.
To facilitate the redevelopment process, the Former Agency made loans to developers at below-market interest rates primarily for the rehabilitation and development of low and moderate-income housing and the development of commercial properties.
Since these loans were generated to assist various redevelopment project areas, repayment terms are structured to meet requirements established by the Former Agency and the specific project area.
For financial reporting purposes, the CRFA is blended into the CRA/LA-DLA’s basic financial statements as if it were part of the CRA/LA-DLA’s operations, because its sole purpose was to provide pooled bond financing benefitting project areas of the Former Agency.