Examples of French Energy Code in a sentence
In accordance with article R.111-34 of the French Energy Code, the Supplier unreservedly agrees for Teréga to send Teréga information regarding the execution of these General Terms and Conditions strictly necessary for the execution of their respective tasks as part of the co-management of Trading Region France.
The Supplier's attention is drawn to the fact that the confidentiality of all information, the disclosure of which would be likely to infringe the rules of free and fair competition and non- discrimination, must be preserved in accordance with Article L.111- 77 of the French Energy Code.
CRE): the national regulatory authority in charge of ensuring the proper functioning of the gas market in France in application of the French Energy Code provisions.
Energy Regulatory Commission (Commission de Régulation de l’Energie - CRE): the national regulatory authority in charge of ensuring the proper functioning of the gas market in France in application of the French Energy Code provisions.
By the way, one will note here that a producer would more easily be qualified as a supplier within the meaning of the French Customs Code than within the meaning of the French Energy Code, because the definition in the French Customs Code also refers to the person who ‘produces’ electricity for resale to a final customer.
In all other instances, the employee shall notify his supervisor as promptly as possible of his absence.