Frequency of Premium Payment definition
Examples of Frequency of Premium Payment in a sentence
Alteration in the Frequency of Premium Payment may lead to a change in the Premium.
No alterations are permissible under the Policy except change in Frequency of Premium Payment.
No alterations are permissible under the Policy except change in Frequency of Premium Payment and Income Payout Frequency.
Subsequent Premiums are due in full on the due dates as per the Frequency of Premium Payment and as per the Plan Option chosen set out in your Policy Schedule.
The Loyalty Addition is an additional amount that will be added to the Fund Value every alternate year starting from the end of 11th Policy year.The Loyalty Addition expressed as percentage of average Fund Value, depends on the Premium Paying Term and Frequency of Premium Payment chosen.
No alterations are permissible under the Rider Policy except change in Frequency of Premium Payment if the Premium Payment Frequency under the Main Policy is being changed.
Subsequent Premiums are due in full on the due dates as per the Frequency of Premium Payment set out in your Policy Schedule.
No alterations are permissible under the Rider except change in Frequency of Premium Payment if the Premium Payment Frequency under the Main Policy is being changed.
Number of Insurance Contact Person (HR/Broker): Pharmacy Insurance Insurance Company: Address: Claims Telephone # Customer Service Telephone # Premium Amount $ Frequency of Premium Payment: Policy # Group # Effective Date Name and Tel.
POLICY TYPES:MEDICALPHARMACYVISIONDENTAL Medical Insurance Insurance Company: Address: Claims Telephone # Customer Service Telephone # Premium Amount $ Frequency of Premium Payment: Policy # Group # Effective Date Name and Tel.