Examples of From collections in a sentence
But rather than take up Schultz’s suggestion, Taylor and Petit arranged to disguise the payment to Brooks in a different way: as consideration for purported consulting work done.
To this end we made collections for a “Fund of the Union.” From collections, among our church members this fund amounted at the end of the year 1906 to $224.00 For the support of two students in Elmburst, Ill, we have a “Student’s Fund.” At the end of the school year 1905-06 the collections amounted to $122.55 expenses $84.00 so that $18.55 are left in the treasury.
From collections of these measure- ments, we can draw more general conclusions about the scope of filtering, beyond individual resources (e.g., whether an en- tire domain is filtered, whether an entire portion of a Web site is filtered, whether certain keywords are filtered).
From collections of such measurements, the two VMDs can derive mbw(vdei,j) and mlat(vdei,j) using known tech- niques [5].
Photographic reproductions: From collections of the Cumberland County Historical Society, Carlisle, PA [not shown in online exhibition].
From collections made in 2005, we determined the proportion of unique alleles in the contaminate stands surrounding each orchard site.
From collections of the Stiftung Archiv der Parteien und Massenorganisationen der DDR im Bundesarchiv.