From Fund definition
Examples of From Fund in a sentence
XXX COMMUNITY COUNCIL Statement of Income and Expenditure of XXX Community Council for the period XXX to XXX Income £ Council Grant XXX Other Donations XXX Income From Fund Raisers XXX Other Income XXX Bank/Building Society Interest XXX Total Income XXX Postages XXX Hall Hire XXX Advertising XXX (Surplus)Deficit for the Period XXX Opening Balance XXX Closing Balance as at XXX XXX Bank Account XXX Cash in hand XXX Prepared by …………………………… Date…………………………………..
From Fund Transfer Pricing (“FTP”) process, there is the assumption for loan repayments incorporated.
Position.Aggregate Compensa- tion From Fund.Pension or Retirement Benefits Accrued as Part of Fund Ex- penses.Estimated Annual Bene- fits Upon Retirement.Total Compensation From Fund and Com- plex Paid to Directors INSTRUCTIONS TO PARAGRAPH (b)(13)(i).
Xxxxxx, Executive Vice President CALAMOS STRATEGIC TOTAL RETURN FUND To: State Street Bank and Trust Company From: Fund Name: Fund Address: Date: Re: PRICE SOURCE AUTHORIZATION Reference is made to that certain Master Administration and Accounting Services Agreement dated March 15, 2004 (as amended, restated, modified or supplemented from time to time, the “Agreement”) by and among each Fund and the Agent.
Operating transfers were as follows: From Fund: To Fund: Statutory Authority Amount GeneralDemolitionK.S.A. 12-1,118$ 50,000.00GeneralCapital ReserveK.S.A. 12-1,118236,185.00GeneralCOVID GrantsK.S.A. 79-293460,992.95GeneralCity ProjectsK.S.A. 79-293410,200.00Capital ReserveCOVID GrantsK.S.A. 79-293431,907.14Water and Sewer UtilityBond and InterestK.S.A. 12-825d79,613.0013.
Operating transfers were as follows: From Fund: To Fund: Amount General FundFederal Work Study Fund$ 11,886General FundSupplemental Education Opportunity Grant Fund11,032 Transfers are used to (1) move revenues from the fund that statute or budget requires to collect them to the fund that statute or budget requires to expend them, and (2) use unrestricted revenue collected in the general fund to finance various programs accounted for in other funds in accordance with budgetary authorizations.
Adoption of Resolution No. 6222 – Budget Transfer *151 Budget Transfer #07-00015 G9Transfer To Fund: 080 – General Corporate Fund Dept: 040 – Sheriff 140 – Correctional Center Transfer From Fund: 080 – General Corporate Fund Dept: 075 – General CountyAmount of Transfer: $126,918Reason: To transfer funds appropriated in the General County salary increase line item To cover negotiated salary increased for Law Enforcement and Court Security.
Xxxxxx, Executive Vice President MANAGEMENT INVESTMENT COMPANIES AND PORTFOLIOS THEREOF, IF ANY CALAMOS STRATEGIC TOTAL RETURN FUND To: State Street Bank and Trust Company From: Fund Name: Fund Address: Date: _______________ Re: PRICE SOURCE AUTHORIZATION Reference is made to that certain Master Administration and Accounting Services Agreement dated March 15, 2004 (as amended, restated, modified or supplemented from time to time, the "Agreement") by and among each Fund and the Agent.
From Fund Transfer Pricing (“FTP”) for IRRBB perspective, the following risks are transferred to TM:• Behaviouralised interest rate re-pricing risk• Practically hedgeable basis risk.
You may contact your Financial Intermediary or Servicing Intermediary if you want additional information regarding any Additional Payments or Servicing Payments it receives.Payments Made From Fund Assets.• Commissions and Rule 12b-1 Payments.