FRONT YARD DEPTH means the shortest horizontal dimension of a front yard of a lot between the front lot line and the nearest wall of the nearest main building or structure on the lot;
FRONT YARD DEPTH means the shortest horizontal dimension of a front yard between the front lot line of a lot and the nearest part of any building, structure open storage or excavation on such lot.
FRONT YARD DEPTH means the minimum horizontal distance between the front lot line and the nearest part of any building or structure on the lot.

Examples of FRONT YARD DEPTH in a sentence

  • One Single Unit DwellingAny use accessory to a Single Unit Dwelling10.6.5Provisions .1 Lot Width – minimum15.0 m .2 Lot Area – minimum450.0 m2 .3 Lot Coverage – maximum45.0% .4 Main Building Height – maximum10.0 m .5 Front Yard Depth – minimum 9.0 m or the average front yard depth of the main building located on the abutting lots, whichever is greater.

  • Semi-Detached DwellingAny use accessory to the Semi-Detached Dwelling11.6.5 PROVISIONS .1 Lot Frontage – minimum13.40 m.2 Lot Area – minimum420.0 m2.3 Lot Coverage – maximum45.0%.4 Main Building Height – maximum10.0 m.5 Front Yard Depth – minimum6.0 m.6 Rear Yard Depth – minimum7.50 m.7 Side Yard Width – minimum1.20 mSECTION 12 - RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS 3.

  • Semi-Detached DwellingAny use accessory to the Semi-Detached Dwelling11.6.5 PROVISIONS .1 Lot Frontage – minimum13.40 m.2 Lot Area – minimum420.0 m2.3 Lot Coverage – maximum45.0%.4 Main Building Height – maximum10.0 m.5 Front Yard Depth – minimum6.0 m.6 Rear Yard Depth – minimum7.50 m.7 Side Yard Width – minimum1.20 m SECTION 12 - RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS 3.

  • One Single Unit DwellingAny use accessory to a Single Unit Dwelling10.5.5 PROVISIONS.1 Lot Width – minimum 5.50 m.2 Lot Area – minimum 185.0 m2.3 Lot Coverage – maximum 50.0%.4 Main Building Height – maximum 9.0 m.5 Front Yard Depth – minimum 3.0 m.6 Rear Yard Depth – minimum 6.0 m.7 Side Yard Width – minimum 2.50 m one side0.0 m other side.8 Gross Floor Area – Main Building – maximum 400 m2(ADDED by B/L 95-2019, Sept.

  • One Single Unit DwellingAny use accessory to a Single Unit Dwelling 10.6.5 PROVISIONS.1 Lot Width – minimum 15.0 m.2 Lot Area – minimum 450.0 m2.3 Lot Coverage – maximum 45.0%.4 Main Building Height – maximum 10.0 m.5 Front Yard Depth – minimum9.0 m or the average front yard depth of the main building located on the abutting lots, whichever is greater.

  • Minimum Front Yard Depth to main wall of dwelling, porch or veranda on a foundation shall be 3.75 metres2.

  • Minimum Front Yard Depth - Fifty (50) feet, except as otherwise specified in Article III, Section 303-5.E. B.

  • RIO projects involving new construction shall provide the following: Minimum Front Yard Depth: 25 feet Minimum Side Yard Depth: 10 feet Minimum Rear Yard Depth: 10feet However, where the housing is not located in a residential zoning district but abuts a residential zoning district, the setback shall be 60 feet and a buffer of natural material and/or an earthen berm shall be installed to provide screening on a year-round basis.

  • Passed 12-14-92.) 1159.05 LOT AREA, FRONTAGE AND YARD REQUIREMENTS.The following minimum requirements shall be observed, except as provided in Chapter 1180.(a) Lot Area (Sq. Ft.) Lot Frontage (feet) Front Yard Depth (feet) Side Yard Width (feet) Rear Yard Depth (Feet)Non- Residential Uses 10,000 None 25None; except when adjoining an A or R District, then no less than 10 feet.None; except when adjoining an A or R District, then no less than 10 feet.

  • Minimum Front Yard Depth - Fifty (50) feet, except as otherwise required in Section 410-4.D. B.

More Definitions of FRONT YARD DEPTH

FRONT YARD DEPTH. , means the least horizontal dimension between the front lot line of the lot and the nearest part of any building, structure or excavation on the lot, or the nearest open storage use on the lot.
FRONT YARD DEPTH means the least horizontal dimension between the front lot line of a lot and the nearest part of the main building or structure on such lot;
FRONT YARD DEPTH means the minimum distance between the front lot line to the front yard line.


  • Front Yard means a yard extending across the full width of a lot between the front lot line of the lot and the nearest wall of the nearest main building or structure on the lot;

  • Demarcation Point The Demarcation Point shall have the meaning set forth in 47 Digital Subscriber Line Access Multiplexer (DSLAM): Equipment that links End User xDSL connections to a single packet switch, typically ATM or IP. Direct Trunked Transport (DTT): A DS1 or DS3 interoffice facility that connects the CenturyLink Serving Wire Center of the CLEC’s Local Interconnection Entrance Facility or Collocation to the terminating CenturyLink Tandem or End Office used exclusively for the transmission and routing of Telephone Exchange Service and Exchange Access.

  • Excavation zone means the volume containing the tank system and backfill material bounded by the ground surface, walls, and floor of the pit and trenches into which the UST system is placed at the time of installation.

  • Parking Garage means a building or portion of a building, other than a private garage, that is used for the temporary parking of motor vehicles;

  • Operational Acceptance Tests means the tests specified in the Technical Requirements and Agreed Project Plan to be carried out to ascertain whether the System, or a specified Sub system, is able to attain the functional and performance requirements specified in the Technical Requirements and Agreed Project Plan, in accordance with the provisions of GCC Clause 27.2 (Operational Acceptance Test).

  • Underground storage tank or “UST” means any one or combination of tanks (including underground pipes connected thereto) that is used to contain an accumulation of regulated substances, and the volume of which (including the volume of underground pipes connected thereto) is 10 percent or more beneath the surface of the ground. This term does not include any: