FRR dimensioning rules definition

FRR dimensioning rules means the specifications of the FRR dimensioning process of a LFC block;

Examples of FRR dimensioning rules in a sentence

  • The results of FRR dimensioning rules give a minimum obligation to the required amount of FRR, i.e., this does not prevent TSOs from procuring more FRR in case they deem this necessary.

  • The implementation of the FRR dimensioning rules will be one task within the Nordic Balancing Model project and will consist of many sub tasks including IT development, implementation in control centres and education.

  • The proposed FRR dimensioning rules are described and explained in Chapter 5.

  • The results of FRR dimensioning rules give a minimum obligation to the required amount of FRR, i.e. this does not prevent TSOs from procuring more FRR in case they deem this necessary.

  • In order to deliver these objectives, a number of steps are required.One of these steps is to define the FRR dimensioning rules.

  • On a high level, the goal for the FRR dimensioning rules is to have access to sufficient FRR in the LFC block to handle imbalances in all LFC areas in at least 99% of time and respect the FRCE targets for the LFC block.

  • All TSOs of a LFC Block shall set out FRR dimensioning rules in the LFC Block operational agreement.

  • Chapter 3 starts with describing the objective of the FRR dimensioning rules.

  • In this chapter, the existing FRR dimensioning rules are described.

  • In order to allow for the approval of the FRR dimensioning rules Proposal, this issue needs to be resolved.

Related to FRR dimensioning rules

  • Technical Specifications A specification in a document defining the characteristics of a product or a service, such as the quality levels, the environmental and climate performance levels, the design for all needs, including accessibility for people with disabilities, and the evaluation of conformity, of product performance, of the use of the product, safety or dimensions, as well as requirements applicable to the product as regards the name by which it is sold, terminology, symbols, testing and test methods, packaging, marking or labelling, instructions for use, the production processes and methods at every stage in the life cycle of the supply or service, as well as the evaluation and conformity procedures;

  • technical specification means a document that prescribes technical requirements to be fulfilled by a product, process or service;

  • Functional Specifications means the descriptions of features and functions of the Application as expressly set forth in Quote.

  • Web Site Accessibility Standards/Specifications means standards contained in Title 1 Texas Administrative Code Chapter 206.

  • Quality system means documented organizational procedures and policies: internal audits of those policies and procedures: management review and recommendation for quality improvement.”

  • Standard Specifications means all applicable legal requirements pertaining to the development of the Property including, but not limited to, Master Subdivision Plan, applicable permits, and construction drawings required for all Infrastructure, including, without limitation, the Town's Unified Development Ordinance, Knightdale's Water Allocation Policy (Ordinance # 13-06- 19-001 and Ordinance # 00-00-00-000) and Standard Specifications and Construction Details Manual. The failure of this Agreement to describe any other permit, condition, or term of restriction applicable to the Property does not relieve Developer of the necessity of complying with the same.

  • MSAA Indicator Technical Specifications document means, as the context requires, either or both of the document entitled “Multi-Sector Service Accountability Agreement (MSAA) 2019-20 Indicator Technical Specifications November 5, 2018 Version 1.3” and the document entitled “Multi-Sector Service Accountability Agreement (MSAA) 2019-20 Target and Corridor-Setting Guidelines” as they may be amended or replaced from time to time;

  • Web Site Accessibility Standards/Specifications means standards contained in Title 1 Texas Administrative Code Chapter 206.

  • cGMP means current Good Manufacturing Practices as specified in the United States Code of Federal Regulations, ICH Guideline Q7A, or equivalent laws, rules, or regulations of an applicable Regulatory Authority at the time of manufacture.

  • Switching and Tagging Rules means the switching and tagging procedures of Interconnected Transmission Owners and Interconnection Customer as they may be amended from time to time.

  • GMP means the amount proposed by Contractor and accepted by Owner as the maximum cost to Owner for construction of the Project in accordance with this Agreement. The GMP includes Contractor’s Construction Phase Fee, the General Conditions Cost, the Cost of the Work, and Contractor’s Contingency amount.

  • Corrective Measure means a measure as defined in Article 3, point 16, of Regulation (EU) 2019/1020;

  • Project Implementation Manual or “PIM” means the manual containing details of financial and accounting procedures, procurement arrangements, environmental and social monitoring and mitigation arrangements, and other administrative and organizational arrangements, as shall have been agreed with the Association for purposes of Project implementation, as the same may be amended from time to time, and such term includes any schedules to the PIM;

  • Commissioning test means tests applied to a distributed generation facility by the applicant after construction is completed to verify that the facility does not create adverse system impacts and performs to the submitted specifications. At a minimum, the scope of the commissioning tests performed shall include the commissioning test specified in Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. (IEEE) Standard 1547 Section 5.4 "Commissioning tests".

  • Commissioning Tests means all of the procedures and tests which, in accordance with the Reasonable and Prudent Standard, and in compliance with industry guidelines, practices and standards, are:

  • Kyoto Protocol means the protocol to the UNFCCC adopted at the Third Conference of the Parties to the UNFCCC in Kyoto, Japan on 11 December 1997 as may be amended;

  • Protocol means, in respect of any category of object and associated rights to which this Convention applies, the Protocol in respect of that category of object and associated rights;

  • service delivery and budget implementation plan means a detailed plan approved by the executive mayor of the municipality, in terms of section 53(l) (c) (ii) of the MFMA, for implementing the municipality's delivery of municipal services and which indicate –

  • Clinical laboratory means a facility for the microbiological, serological, chemical, hematological, radiobioassay, cytological, immunohematological, pathological, or other examination of materials derived from the human body for the purpose of providing information for the diagnosis, prevention, or treatment of a disease or assessment of a medical condition.

  • Quality Management Plan means the portion of the Project Development Plan providing the information requested in Section 4.3 of Exhibit B to the ITP.

  • Alcohol Screening Device (ASD) means a breath or saliva device, other than an Evidential Breath Testing Device (EBT), that is approved by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and placed on its Conforming Products List for such devices.

  • Drug use test means a scientifically substantiated method to test for the presence of illegal or performance-enhancing drugs or the metabolites thereof in a person’s urine.

  • Backflow Prevention Assembly means any mechanical assembly installed at a water service line or at a plumbing fixture to prevent a backflow contamination event, provided that the mechanical assembly is appropriate for the identified contaminant at the cross connection and is an in-line field-testable assembly.

  • Operational Acceptance Tests means the tests specified in the Technical Requirements and Agreed Project Plan to be carried out to ascertain whether the System, or a specified Sub system, is able to attain the functional and performance requirements specified in the Technical Requirements and Agreed Project Plan, in accordance with the provisions of GCC Clause 27.2 (Operational Acceptance Test).

  • Step therapy protocol means a protocol or program that establishes the specific

  • Project Implementation Plan means the Project Implementation Plan referred to in paragraph 3 (a) of Schedule 4 to this Agreement, as same may be amended from time to time in agreement with the Association, and such term includes any schedules to the Project Implementation Plan;