Protocol definition

Protocol means, in respect of any category of object and associated rights to which this Convention applies, the Protocol in respect of that category of object and associated rights;
Protocol means the document identified in Schedule 6 which describes the objective(s), design, methodology, statistical considerations and organisation of the Study, and subject to clause 2.3, as amended from time to time, as agreed by the parties, and most recently approved by the Reviewing HREC.
Protocol means a standing order for a vaccine to be administered by an authorized pharmacist.

Examples of Protocol in a sentence

  • In the event of any inconsistencies between this Confirmation and the terms of the Protocol, the Bilateral Agreement or the Bilateral Terms (each, the “QFC Stay Terms”), as applicable, the QFC Stay Terms will govern.

  • X Method Transfer Protocol (per assay or overview) X Method Transfer Report (per assay) X Method Qualification protocol (per assay).

  • X List of batch related Laboratory Investigations (LI) and records) X Copies of executed Master Batch Records (MBRs) X Copies of executed Test Records (TRs) X Certificate of Compliance((CoC) X Certificate of Analysis (CoA) X Lot genealogy report X GMP batch disposition Package X Stability Studies Activities: Protocol Specific Agree upon batches/lots to be placed on stability including testing time points and methods X X Segregation and storage of stability materials per protocol.

  • Iraq will, in the context of the WTO accession negotiations, acknowledge its commitment for accession to The Agreement on Government Procurement signed at Marrakesh on 15 April 1994, as amended by the Protocol Amending the Agreement on Government Procurement adopted at Geneva on 30 March 2012, and as may be amended from time to time.

  • Each Party agrees that it will not, and will ensure that its Affiliates and Sublicensees and contractors will not, either directly or indirectly, promote, have promoted, market, have marketed, distribute, have distributed, import, have imported, sell, or have sold any Licensed Products to any Third Party or to any address or Internet Protocol address or the like in the other Party’s territory, including via the Internet or mail order.

More Definitions of Protocol

Protocol means the Protocol Relating to the Madrid Agreement Concerning the International Registration of Marks, adopted at Madrid on June 27, 1989;
Protocol means the present Protocol;
Protocol means the formal, detailed description of a study to be performed as provided for in the Research Plan. It describes the objective(s), design, methodology, statistical considerations, and organization of a trial. For the purposes of this CRADA, the term, Protocol, for clinical research involving Human Subjects, includes any and all associated documents, including informed consent forms, to be provided to Human Subjects and potential participants in the study.
Protocol means the Protocol of 2003 to supplement the 1992 Fund Convention, and any domestic legislation giving effect thereto; and “Protocol State” means a State in respect of which the said Protocol is in force.
Protocol means the document identified in Schedule 3 which describes the objective(s), design, methodology, statistical considerations and organisation of the Study, and subject to clause 2.3, as amended from time to time, as agreed by the parties, and most recently approved by the Reviewing HREC.
Protocol means the written documentation that describes the Study and sets forth specific activities to be performed as part of the Study conduct, a summary of which is attached hereto as Appendix A.