Full cycling definition

Full cycling means that the anti-lock system is repeatedly modulating the brake force to prevent the directly controlled wheels from locking. Brake applications where modulation only occurs once during the stop shall not be considered to meet this definition.
Full cycling means that the anti-lock system is repeatedly modulating the brake force to prevent the directly controlled wheels from locking. Brake applications where modulation only occurs once during the stop shall not be considered to meet this definition. In the case of trailers with pneumatic braking systems, full cycling of the anti-lock braking system is only assured when the pressure available at any brake actuator of a directly controlled wheel is more than 100 kPa above the maximum cycling pressure throughout a given test. The supply pressure available may not be increased above 800 kPa.
Full cycling means that the anti-lock braking system is repeatedly modulating the brake force to prevent the directly controlled wheels from locking and excluding brake applications where modulation only occurs once during the stop;

Examples of Full cycling in a sentence

  • However, in case no one outbids him, the malicious signer can repudiate the signature as it is actually invalid.A CWe define collusion as in [8], with two minor adaptations: (i) we use our single-round framework, that allows us to clearly state the information flow between and ; and (ii) we introduce a second query phase, after the challenge phase (to strengthen the adversary).Definition 12 (Soundness Against Collusion (SAC)).

More Definitions of Full cycling

Full cycling means that the anti-lock system is repeatedly modulating the brake「アンチロックブレーキシステム」とは、主制動装置の一部であって、制動中の 1 つ以上の車輪の回転方向の滑りの程度を、自動的に制御する装置をいう。2.2.「センサ」とは、車輪の回転状況又は車両の運動状態を検知し、制御装置へ伝達する装置をいう。2.3.「制御装置」とは、センサから伝達されたデータを評価し、モジュレータへ信号を伝達する装置をいう。2.4.「モジュレータ」とは、制御装置からの信号に従って制動力を調節する装置をいう。2.5.「直接制御車輪」とは、少なくとも当該センサからのデータに従って制動力の調節を受ける車輪をいう1。

Related to Full cycling

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