Examples of Fully Paid Share in a sentence
Public Offering and Corporate Actions Affecting Issued and Fully Paid Share Capital (continued)In 1990, the Company conducted initial public offering on its one million shares with par value of Rp1,000 (full amount) per share through the Jakarta Stock Exchange (currently Indonesia Stock Exchange) at the offering price of Rp4,000 (full amount) per share.
Although Dr Dalgleish has confirmed to the Company that he does not have a relevant interest in those shares, the shareholding is disclosed for governance purposes.79,556 Restricted Shares - A Restricted Share is an Ordinary Fully Paid Share issued under the RCR Short Term Incentive Plan that is subject to a two year restriction period ending 31 August 2017 and forfeiture in certain prescribed circumstances before the end of the restriction period.
Public Offering and Corporate Actions Affecting Issued and Fully Paid Share CapitalPada tahun 1990, Perusahaan melakukan penawaran umum perdana atas satu juta sahamnya dengan nilai nominal Rp1.000 (angka penuh) per saham melalui Bursa Efek Jakarta (sekarang Bursa Efek Indonesia) dengan harga penawaran sebesar Rp4.000 (angka penuh) per saham.
When our constituents cannot get the help they need and deserve from a Federal agency, they turn to us.
Public Offering and Corporate Actions Affecting Issued and Fully Paid Share Capital On March 31, 1993, the Capital Market Supervisory Agency or “BAPEPAM” approved the Company’s offering of 44,625,000 shares to the public at a total nominal value of Rp44,625,000.
The Offer price of NZ$0.78 (reduced for distributions as outlined in this Offer Document) per Fully Paid Share represents a 8.3% premium to the price under Zeta’s offer of NZ$0.72 (adjusted for any distributions in accordance with Zeta’s offer).
Further details of MMG’s interests in SCB are set out in Section 6.6.If the Share Scheme is implemented, Share Scheme Participants will receive the Share Scheme Payment of $17.41 per Fully Paid Share, comprising Share Scheme Consideration of $17.05 cash per Fully Paid Share and a Special Dividend of $0.36 per Share.
GENERAL INFORMATION (continued) Company Name and Kind of Legal EntityJurisdiction and Date of Incorporation/ EstablishmentIssued and Fully Paid Share Capital/Registered Capital Equity Interest Held Principal Activities and Place of Operation Jinhua 9158 Network Science and Technology Co., Ltd.
The price that the Company will pay for the Shares for which you accept the Buy-Back Offer is: Ten (10) cents per Fully Paid Share (FPS Price); and Half (1/2) a cent per Partly Paid Share (PPS Price),subject to any Scale-Back.
Authorised: 2003€2002€400,000,000 ordinary shares of €0.03 each12,000,00012,000,000 Issued and Fully Paid: Share CapitalCapital ConversionReserve Fund Share PremiumNumber€€€Start of year20,691,070620,73230,6173,925,902Share issues (a)15,852,941475,588–912,294Issue expenses–––(96,578)End of year36,544,0111,096,32030,6174,741,618 a In July 2002 3,000,000 ordinary shares of €0.03 were issued for a consideration of 10p sterling per share to fund further mineral exploration.