Examples of Functionally obsolete in a sentence
Eligible property, as defined by Act 381, is property that is primarily one or more of the following:• a “facility” as defined by Part 201 of P.A. 451 of 1994, as amended (contaminated);• Blighted (as determined by the local unit of government);• Functionally obsolete (as determined by the local assessor);• Historic resource• Other listed eligible property as defined by Act 381.
Functionally obsolete bridges: old, using materials no longer in service today.
When it becomes known to NALMLS that a listing was withdrawn but was in fact sold, a fine will be imposed.
Functionally obsolete bridges include those that have sub-standard geometric features such as narrow lanes, narrow shoulders, poor approach alignment or inadequate vertical under clearance.
Functionally obsolete bridges are those that do not have adequate lane widths, shoulder widths, vertical clearances to serve current traffic demand or to meet the current geometric standards, or less clearance underneath than bridges built to the current standard.