Funded Hours definition
Examples of Funded Hours in a sentence
The calculation and declaration of recycled content in the product(s) under assessment shall be in accordance with the requirements for recycled content in ISO 14021 or recognised sector standard and must include the proportion, by mass of recycled material.
Non-Medicaid- Funded Hour(s) worked shall be defined as all hours worked by all employees covered by this Agreement in the Employer's in-home care program that are paid by a payor other than Medicaid, excluding vacation hours, paid-time off, and training hours.
Medicaid- Funded Hour(s) worked shall be defined as all hours worked by all employees covered by this Agreement in the Employer's in-home care program that are paid by Medicaid, excluding vacation hours, paid-time off hours, and training hours.
Non-Medicaid Funded Hour(s) worked shall be defined as all hours worked by all employees covered by this Agreement in the Employer's in-home care program that are paid by a payor other than Medicaid, excluding vacation hours, paid-time off hours, and training hours.
Non-Medicaid Funded Hours worked shall be defined as all compensable hours worked by all employees covered by this Agreement in the Employer’s in-home care program, that are paid by a payor other than Medicaid excluding vacation hours, paid-time off hours and training hours.
Mon Tues Wed Thur FriTotal perweekWeeks per year2 year old entitlement /3&4 year old UNIVERSAL hours EXTENDED Hours Non Funded Hours (paid for byparent) If your child is taking up entitlements at any other provider please complete below.
The formula for reporting can be represented as: Cumulative Recov ery Act Funded Hours Worked (Qtr 1...n) = FTE Cumulative Hours in a Full − time Schedule (Qtr 1...n) Example:Assume that a recipient is preparing its first quarterly report and that the recipient’s Recovery Act funded work required two full-time employees and one part-time employee working half days for the quarter.
Any additional charges to Parents/Carers relating to the Funded Hours should be optional, and limited to, for example, snacks, costs of outings or extracurricular activities such as music classes.
This includes the following: No upfront payments, including a deposit or any other payment, in respect of the Funded Hours; No top-up fees may be charged to Parents/Carers relating to the Funded Hours; and Parents/Carers must not be required to purchase additional hours beyond the Funded Hours in order to access their child’s funded entitlement at the setting.
Please see the below table for maximum claims per term: Term Funded Weeks Maximum Funded Hours per week (FEEE3-4, FEEE2, FEEE2W, FEEE1W) Maximum Extended Hours per week (EFE) Maximum Funded Hours per Term (Universal/Extended) Summer 13 15 15 195/390 Autumn 14 15 15 210/420 Spring 11 15 15 165/330 Please ensure you are not claiming above the maximum weekly entitlement if you are sharing the funding with 2 Childcare Providers, paying extra attention if you are stretching the funding (see next section).