Examples of Core Hours in a sentence
The following policies within the City of Westminster Statement of Licensing Policy apply:Policy CP1 applies(i) It is the Licensing Authority's policy to refuse applications in the Cumulative Impact Areas for: pubs and bars, fast food premises, and premises offering facilities for music and dancing; other than applications to vary hours within the Core Hours under Policy HRS1.
Core Hours are those hours during a workday when all full-time employees are required to be on the job.
Core Hours are the time periods during the workday, workweek, or pay period that are within the tour of duty during which an employee covered by a flexible work schedule is required by the Agency to be present for work, or otherwise account for their time.
Incidents or enquiries that are designated as Severity 2 or below shall be logged, but the resolution shall not commence until the next period of Core Hours of Service.
Departments must have sufficient staffing to provide high quality services to the public during Core Hours.