Examples of Future Commitments in a sentence
When you are satisfied the data is correct and the Future Commitments screen has been fully completed, click on the ‘tick’ box, save and refer to the next screen.
Future Commitments should be based on a sound systematic approach to environmental decision-making and goal setting, supported by measurable results.
Total Reserve Balance (At 19 August 2019)$791,191,58Total commitments (purchase orders)$39,131.18Capital - Operational - $16,372.44 Potential Future Commitments - $22,758.74 Funds available assuming all commitments are realised$752,060.40 Moved: Councillor Melky Seconded: Lachlan Modrzynski CARRIED Aaron Blacker arrived at 12:21pm The Manager Finance advised invoices for participation levies for the current financial year had not yet been issued.
SPO Mil Strat Plans ensure SEC compliance of Defence planning while SPO Future Commitments ensure SEC compliance of Defence activity i.e. activity aligned to priorities and demand, in tandem with cohering the COWGs, 1* ASGs, 2* CDG and 3* ICSG.
The Ground Lease Company # of Assets Ground Lease Basis Real Estate, 6/30/2017 14 $481 Acquisitions: LifeHope Medical Campus 1 $16 Real Estate, 9/30/2017 15 $497 Future Commitments: Great Oaks Multifamily 1 $34 Section 2 – Portfolio Portfolio Roll Forward Note: $ in millions.
Future Commitments - In June 2012, CPL executed a Grant of Easement for Right-of-Way with the Bureau of Indian Affairs, U.S. Department of the Interior.
If such aspects are included as a part of the phase’s cost estimate, the applicant should denote that the value of such items are reflected as “Local Funds” in the Project Funding Sources table below under Previous or Future Commitments depending on the current status of project development.
Future Commitments The Foundation closed the 2015 calendar year with binding grant commitments—money payable to charitable institutions and for charitable endeavors in future years—of about $38.5 million, up considerably from the $27.5 million reported a year ago.2 In last year’s report, we noted that the Foundation saw great promise in numerous grant opportunities then under consideration.
Future Commitments There are no future commitments following expiry of the above contract.
If such aspects are included as a part of the phase’s cost estimate, the applicant should denote that the value of such items are reflected as “Local Funds” in the Project Funding Sources described below under Previous or Future Commitments depending on the current status of project development.