Examples of FX Instruments in a sentence
If you traded on Electronic Communication Networks (ECNs) (e.g., Currenex, Hotspot, FXALL, EBS, Reuters) that did not always reveal your counterparty’s identity, submit all of your data on FX Instruments executed on such ECNs, and the Claims Administrator will apply the Plan of Distribution’s “Anonymous ECN Ratio” to your trades.
If you are domiciled outside of the United States and are submitting an Option 2 claim, you will need to provide either: (i) a field in your transaction data that indicates the location of the defendant bank’s desk that booked your trades; or (ii) in the absence of a bank location field, submit all of your data on FX Instruments traded with Defendants (or on an ECN with anonymous execution), and the Claims Administrator will apply the Plan of Distribution’s “Location Factors” to your trades.
Please keep all documentation related to your transactions in FX Instruments and FX Exchange-Traded Instruments during the period of January 1, 2003 to December 15, 2015 for use in filing your Claim Form.
Unless the Margin Factor changes, the Margin Required remains fixed throughout the life of each individual trade.For FX Instruments the margin is calculated slightly differently by multiplying (a) the number of contracts requested (b) by the contract size (c) by the opening price (d) by the Margin Factor for the Instrument.
The Plan of Distribution will apply discounts for trades in FX Instruments and FX Exchange-Traded Instruments occurring between January 1, 2003 and November 30, 2007 (inclusive) and between January 1, 2014 and December 15, 2015 (inclusive).