Examples of Settling Defendants in a sentence
This Agreement shall be binding upon the heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns of the Plaintiff, Settlement Class Members, and Settling Defendants.
Within ten (10) business days after the Final Approval Order becomes final, where final means that the appeal period has passed, and no appeals have been filed or, if filed, such appeals have been dismissed, The Settling Insurers, on behalf of the Settling Defendants, shall send to the Settlement Administrator, to be paid into the Qualified Settlement Fund, the amount required for distribution.
The Settling Parties agree to request that the Court not schedule the Final Approval Hearing until at least 90 days after the Settling Defendants have transmitted CAFA notices (i.e., no earlier than 100 days after Class Counsel moved the Court to enter the Preliminary Approval Order).
If a Motion to Appoint Mr. Gentle as Settlement Administrator with the responsibilities and authority set forth in this Agreement is required, Plaintiffs will make such motion, and the Settling Defendants will not object.
No opinions concerning the tax consequences of the proposed personal injury settlement to individual claimants or class members is given or will be given by the Settling Defendants, Plaintiff, attorneys for individual Class Members, or Class Counsel, nor are any representations in this regard made by virtue of this Agreement.