General Board definition
Examples of General Board in a sentence
Nothing in this Disaffiliation Agreement shall prevent Local Church, after the Disaffiliation Date, from continuing to sponsor benefit plans from the General Board of Pension and Health Benefits, to the extent permitted by federal law, and provided that Local Church has not expressly resolved that it no longer shares common religious bonds with The United Methodist Church.
The General Board of Pension and Health Benefits shall determine the aggregate funding obligations of the annual conference using market factors similar to a commercial annuity provider, from which the annual conference will determine the local church’s share.
As such, a local church disaffiliating under ¶ 2553 shall continue to be eligible to sponsor voluntary employee benefit plans through the General Board of Pension and Health Benefits under ¶ 1504.2, subject to the applicable terms and conditions of the plans.
The financial statements of the Commercial Banking, Mortgage Banking, and Rural Credit Banking departments were combined to determine the financial and economic position of the legal entity (the Bank), since those departments are dedicated to banking activities and are directly subordinate to the Bank’s General Board of Directors, which is responsible for making decisions related to those departments.
Nothing in this Agreement shall prevent Local Church, after the Disaffiliation Date, from continuing to sponsor benefit plans from the General Board of Pension and Health Benefits of The United Methodist Church (“GBPHB”) to the extent permitted by federal law, and provided that Local Church has not expressly resolved that it no longer shares common religious bonds with The United Methodist Church.
One important example of purely internal legislation was the creation of the faculties and the General Board of the Faculties in 1910.
The General Board is accountable to the Council for its management of the University’s academic and educational affairs.
Presentation at the Summer Leadership Institute (Sponsored by the General Board of Church and Society, United Methodist Church).
Percentage figures relate to the percentage of written responses of those respondents who answered the specific questions referred to (i.e. not including those made at meetings).
This appointment to be ratified by the General Board while this conference is in session.