Examples of General Offer of Privacy Terms in a sentence
An LEA that was not party to the original Service Agreement and who accepts the Provider’s General Offer of Privacy Terms.
A Subscribing LEA, by signing a separate Service Agreement with Provider, and by its signature below, accepts the General Offer of Privacy Terms.
Provider offers the same privacy protections found in this DPA between it and Rocklin Academy (“Originating LEA”) which is dated 09/04/2024, to any other LEA (“Subscribing LEA”) who accepts this General Offer of Privacy Terms (“General Offer”) through its signature below.
Operator may, by signing the attached Form of General Offer of Privacy Terms (General Offer, attached as Exhibit E), be bound by the terms of this DPA to any other LEA who signs the acceptance in said Exhibit.
Provider offers the same privacy protections found in this DPA between it and Barstow Unified School District (“Originating LEA”) which is dated 09/03/2024, to any other LEA (“Subscribing LEA”) who accepts this General Offer of Privacy Terms (“General Offer”) through its signature below.
Provider offers the same privacy protections found in this DPA between it and Manchester School District (“Originating LEA”) which is dated 08/23/24 , to any other LEA (“Subscribing LEA”) who accepts this General Offer of Privacy Terms (“General Offer”) through its signature below.
A LEA that was not party to the original Services Agreement and who accepts the Operator’s General Offer of Privacy Terms.