Examples of Gila River adjudication in a sentence
The Gila River adjudication includes the Salt, Gila, San Pedro, and Verde River watersheds (most of southeastern and central Arizona).
GILA RIVER ADJUDICATION COURT.—The term ‘‘Gila River adjudication court’’ means the Superior Court of the State, in and for the County of Maricopa, exercising jurisdic- tion over the Gila River adjudication.
GILA RIVER ADJUDICATION DECREE.—The term ‘‘Gila River adjudication decree’’ means the judgment or decree entered by the Gila River adjudication court in substantially the same form as the form of judgment attached to the Hualapai Tribe water rights settlement agreement as Exhibit 3.1.43.
GILA RIVER ADJUDICATION DECREE.—The term ‘‘Gila River adjudication decree’’ means the judgment or decree entered by the Gila River adjudication court in substan- tially the same form as the form of judgment attached to the Hualapai Tribe water rights settlement agreement as Exhibit 3.1.43.
GILA RIVER ADJUDICATION COURT.—The term ‘‘Gila River adjudication court’’ means the Superior Court of the State, in and for the County of Maricopa, exercising jurisdiction over the Gila River adjudication.
Persons interested in the proposed settlement are urged to attend.Claimants in the Gila River adjudication who oppose the settlement must file their objections with the superior court by July 1, 1999.
The budget for monitoring and evaluation activities will be listed in the project construction investment.
Since the creditor claims and equity security interests are impaired they will be bound by the terms of the Plan even if they did not accept the Plan.
Additionally, approval of the settlement will unleash more than $50 million in economic development funds for the Tribe.New Design, Address forMaster's Web SiteProcess for Considering SettlementThe settlement, since it involves water subject to the Gila River adjudication, still must be considered under procedures and criteria adopted by the Arizona Supreme Court in 1991.
The headwaters and several tributaries of the Salt River originate on reservation land.In 1985, the United States, on behalf of the Tribe, filed substan- tial claims to water with a time immemorial date for approximately 180,000 acre-feet annually from the Salt River System in the Gila River adjudication proceedings in the Maricopa County Superior Court, as well as water rights claims in the Little Colorado River General Stream adjudication proceedings in the Apache County Su- perior Court.