Examples of Gila River adjudication in a sentence
If the Holder exercises its right of conversion, the Holder shall give NaturalNano a Notice of Conversion in the form annexed to this Note, setting forth the amount of principal and interest that the Holder is converting into Common Stock at the Conversion Price in effect on the date of such notice.
The Arizona Supreme Court in the Gila River adjudication rejected the Big Horn approach on two grounds.
The wxxxx that supply the water may be subject to the Gila River adjudication to the extent that such wxxxx are determined to be pumping or impacting appropriable surface water.
Practically, however, ADWR’s insistence on ignoring the federal rights until they are fully and finally adjudicated in the Gila River adjudication gives them an effective priority date of whenever-they-are-adjudicated, which may be never.Meanwhile, as noted in the Introduction to this brief, the steady depletion of the aquifer that feeds the San Pedro River, which is supposed to be protected by SPRNCA’s reserved rights, continues.
Pxxxxx Dodge has not reached a settlement with the Tribe on general water issues and Pxxxxx Dodge water claims within the Gila River adjudication are still subject to litigation with the Tribe and other parties.
The term `Gila River adjudication court' means the Superior Court of the State of Arizona in and for the County of Maricopa, exercising jurisdiction over the Gila River adjudication.
After this overview, Mr. Thorson will moderate a panel composed of individuals involved in adjudications that have taken place in four other western states: the Snake River Basin adjudication in Idaho, the Gila River adjudication in Arizona, and the statewide adjudications in Montana and New Mexico.
There are over 39,000 parties in the Gila River adjudication and over 6,000 parties in the Little Colorado River adjudication.
Bolton, assigned Superior Court judge18for the Gila River adjudication.
The term ‘‘Gila River adjudication court’’ means the Superior Court of the State, in and for the County of Maricopa, exercising jurisdic- tion over the Gila River adjudication.