Examples of City Contracts in a sentence
Unless otherwise specified in the Contract, the Offeror hereby agrees that any changes to the scope of work, subsequent to the original contract signing, shall be generated in writing and an approval signature shall be obtained from the City Contracts Specialist prior to additional work performance.
All costs for materials shall be approved by the City Contracts Specialist before the costs are incurred and payable.
Non-compliance with Chapter 5-4 of the City Code may result in sanctions, including termination of the Contract and the Contractor’s suspension or debarment from participation on future City Contracts until deemed compliant with Chapter 5-4.
Under this policy, each Contracting Department will use its best efforts to promote the participation of MBEs and FBEs as both prime contractors and subcontractors in all City Contracts.
In accordance with SMC Ch. 20.70, the Director of Executive Administration or designee may debar a Vendor from entering into a Contract with the City or from acting as a subcontractor on any Contract with the City for up to five years after determining that any of the following reasons exist: Contractor has received overall performance evaluations of deficient, inadequate, or substandard performance on three or more City Contracts.
All costs formaterials shall be approved by the City Contracts Specialist before the costs are incurred and payable.
Any violation of the mandatory requirements of this Section, or a violation of Seattle Municipal Code Chapter 14.04 (Fair Employment Practices), Chapter 14.10 (Fair Contracting Practices), Chapter 20.45 (City Contracts – Non-Discrimination in Benefits), or other local, state, or federal non-discrimination laws, shall be a material of contract for which the Contractor may be subject to damages and sanctions provided for by the Vendor Contract and by applicable law.
A single original Contract to include the Contractor's Performance, Labor and Material Payment and Maintenance Bonds may be executed and maintained in the official Contract file located in the City Contracts office.
If there is any conflicting language between the "Standard Provisions for City Contracts (Rev.
The City Manager is the City official with overall authority and responsibility for the award and administration of City Contracts.