Examples of GP Members in a sentence
Where the Accountable Officer role is to be the senior clinical voice, panel membership will also include representation from the GP Members Council.
These Terms of Reference were approved by the GP Members Council November 2019.
The discussion can identify a future point at which the contents are no longer confidential and the minutes shall record this.3.12.11One meeting per annum of the GP Members Committee – with members of the Governing Body present - will be held in public for presentation of the Annual Report and Annual Accounts.
The Committee shall consist of the following 8 members: From the CCG, to reflect the composition of the 19 voting Members of Governing Body:o one executive Member of the Governing Body;o two GPs who are Members of the Governing Body;o one Lay person who is a Member of the Governing Body, from Lay Members and out of area Secondary Care Doctor; As part of this, the clinical Chair of the CCG shall be one of the GP Members and Accountable Officer shall be the executive Member.
All directors not elected by the Limited Partners in accordance with this Section 13.4(c)(iii) shall be appointed by the GP Members in accordance with the limited liability company agreement of the General Partner.
The data was collected with face-to-face semi-structured interviews from June 2015 to September 2015, with people who worked directly in EA programs.
The GP Members Committee is a strong advisory body to the CCG Governing Body and Strategic Clinical Executive with a responsibility to ensure member practices are linked into all the wider commissioning decisions.
The First Governing Body under this constitution will be taken from the Elections held in June 2012, Elected GP Members of the Governing Body, will then appoint all other members of the Governing Body.
The GP Members Committee works through a locality structure using locality meetings, regular surveys, bi-annual Rotherham wide commissioning events and regular contacts with executive GPs to ensure that the views of all Rotherham GP practices contribute to our plans.
GP Members of the Governing Body may be voted off the Governing Body only by a majority vote of the Council of Members.