Grant Assurances definition
Examples of Grant Assurances in a sentence
In the event that this Agreement, either on its own terms or by any other reason, conflicts with or violates any such Grant Assurances, the Authority has the right to amend, alter, or otherwise modify the terms of this Agreement in order to resolve such conflict or violation.
This grant agreement is subject to the terms and conditions contained herein including the terms known as the Grant Assurances as they were published in the Federal Register on April 3, 2014.
Grant Assurances; information provided on performance reports and payment requests; and needs and threat assessments and strategies.
In the event that this Agreement, either on its own terms or by any other reason, conflicts with or violates any such Grant Assurances, Authority has the right to amend, alter, or otherwise modify the terms of this Agreement in order to resolve such conflict or violation.
The grantee must comply with all other applicable statutes, executive orders, regulations, and policies governing the grant, including, but not limited to, those cited in these Grant Provisions, the Grant Assurances and Certifications, and those cited in 45 CFR Parts 2541 and 2543.
Additionally, projects at an airport: must comply with established Sponsor Grant Assurances, including (but not limited to) requirements for non-exclusive use facilities, consultation with users, consistency with local plans including development of the area surrounding the airport, and consideration of the interest of nearby communities, among others; and must not adversely affect the continued and unhindered access of passengers to the terminal.
The Sponsor’s acceptance of this Offer and ratification and adoption of the Project Application incorporated herein shall be evidenced by execution of this instrument by the Sponsor, as hereinafter provided, and this Offer and Acceptance shall comprise a Grant Agreement, constituting the contractual obligations and rights of the United States and the Sponsor with respect to the accomplishment of the Project and compliance with the Grant Assurances, terms, and conditions as provided herein.
The policy implements several Grant Assurances, including Grant Assurance 5, Preserving Rights and Powers; Grant Assurance 22, Economic Nondiscrimination; Grant Assurance 24, Fee and Rental Structure; and Grant Assurance 25, Airport Revenues.
The obligations of SUBRECIPIENT and the terms of the following provisions of this Agreement shall survive and continue following expiration or termination of this Agreement: Sections 4.3 and 4.4, Article 6, this Article 10, and the Grant Assurances of Appendix B.
SUBRECIPIENT shall notify the UASI Management Team and City immediately of (a) any Event of Default or event that, with the passage of time, would constitute an Event of Default; (b) any change of circumstances that would cause any of the representations or warranties contained in Article 5 to be false or misleading at any time during the term of this Agreement; and (c) any change of circumstances or events that would cause SUBRECIPIENT to be out of compliance with the Grant Assurances in Appendix B.