Examples of Green Sheet in a sentence
FWHS publicizes the availability and nature of the Housing Choice Voucher Program for low-income families through the Fort Worth Star Telegram, which is a general circulation newspaper as well as minority newspapers such as La Vida News, El Informador or the Jewish Post, and other general circulation advertisement papers such as the Green Sheet, the Thrifty Nickel, or the Senior News on an “as needed” basis.
Provide a concise summary of past Green Sheet evaluative comments and votes, clearly indicating the review level (e.g., second reappointment - tenure track) and source (e.g., College Committee, Dean, Professional Standards, Provost).
Create a pdf of letters used to request external evaluation and the materials provided to include CV, pertinent standards and guidelines, expectations of the candidate, other demonstrations of creativity, all to be posted at the secure Department repository created for this specific Green Sheet review.
The landscape plan will also be given to the NEPA specialist so that it can be placed on the Green Sheet (if not already completed).
When appropriate, indicate contributions since last Green Sheet review under a heading(s) so-labeled.
Then, starting with the player with initiative, you may perform 1 re-roll of as many of your dice as you choose.
Documentation for compensatory time earned (i.e., Green Sheet) shall be submitted to the immediate supervisor by the first of the following month.
CBHS teachers create a Green Sheet for each Grading Period for each course that they teach.
Councilmember Casey made a motion to forward P.Z. 07-2008 Valley Gates (Summit Outer 40 Developers, LLC.), with Automatic Power of Review as a Green Sheet Amendment, to City Council with a recommendation to approve.
Buyer shall, however, be permitted to purchase nominal quantities of primary alloys and other "sweeteners" from vendors other than Supplier to achieve the standards set forth for Scrap Based Alloys in the Green Sheet.