Grid Point definition

Grid Point means the connection stud of the last facility side isolator located on the grid system of CEB; depicted as "G" on the diagram in Exhibit A.
Grid Point means a point located at the intersection of two or more curves in a grid.
Grid Point means the relevant standards published by International Electrotechnical Commission of No. 3, rue de Varembé, P.O. BOX 131, CH-1211 Geneva, Switzerland.

Examples of Grid Point in a sentence

  • Grid edges are at multiple of quarter-degree values (e.g. 90, 89.75, 89.5, 89.25, …), and the grid centers are exactly between two grid edges:First point center = (–89.875°S, –179.875°W) = Grid Point Index = 0 Second point center = (–89.875°S, –179.625°W) = Grid Point Index = 1 1441st point center = (–89.625°S, –179.875°W) = Grid Point Index = 1440 Last point center = (89.875°N, 179.875°E) = Grid Point Index = 1036799In total, there are 1440 x 720 = 1036800 grid points, where 244243 points are land points.

  • U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office of Minority Health.

  • Project Proponents who expect to use the Grid Point as Option 1 for the Power Transmission, (as referred in Clause 3.2, Volume I) may visit the relevant Grid Substation to obtain an understanding on the interconnection arrangement (with prior arrangement with the CEB), 30 days prior to the closing date of submission of proposals.

  • At the Grid Point the power transmission line/s physically connect to the national grid.

  • Seller shall design and construct the Transmission Line up to Grid Point as per CEB technical standards and IEC Standards at the cost and expense of the Seller so as to be available to transmit the electrical energy generated by the Facility as of the Commercial Operation Date.

  • The feasibility study report along with the selected Grid Point option for power transmission (Option 1 or Option 2 of Clause 3.2 and Section 11 of Volume II) shall be submitted with the proposal.

  • MSC/NASTRAN's Grid Point Singularity Processor (GPSP) is automatically included in all solution sequences.

  • From Termination Point to the Grid Point, the developing cost of power transmission line/s and all associated equipment shall be borne by the project company and owned/maintained by CEB.There are two options to select the Grid Point.

  • The annual 100-year extreme Hs was 1.9 m at Grid Point M12874 (located outside of Bull Arm (but well inside Trinity Bay) at 47.7°N 53.8°W).

  • The Seller shall make all arrangements at its own expense necessary to make available the Energy Out put to TEB at the Grid Point.

More Definitions of Grid Point

Grid Point means the connection stud of the last facility side eqipment located on the gantry; depicted as "G" on the diagram in Exhibit A
Grid Point meansthe connection stud of the last line side isolator located on the grid system of CEB; depicted as "G" on the diagram in Exhibit A.

Related to Grid Point

  • Metering Point means, for meters that do not use instrument transformers, the point at which the billing meter is connected. For meters that use instrument transformers, the point at which the instrument transformers are connected.

  • Interconnection Point means the point(s) of connection(s) at which the project is connected to the grid i.e. it shall be at 11 / 22 kV bus bar level of substation of MSEDCL.

  • Generation Unit means a facility that converts a fuel or an energy resource into electrical energy.