Licensed Operator means a person licensed, or deemed to be licensed, to provide a port service or operate a port facility;
Non-Operator means a Party other than the Operator;
Storage operator means a person holding or applying for a permit.
Operator means the operator of an internet website, online service, online application, or mobile application with actual knowledge that the site, service, or application is used for K–12 school purposes. Any entity that operates an internet website, online service, online application, or mobile application that has entered into a signed, written agreement with an LEA to provide a service to that LEA shall be considered an “operator” for the purposes of this section.
market operator means a person or persons who manages and/or operates the business of a regulated market. The market operator may be the regulated market itself;
train operator means any person who is authorised to act as the operator of a train by a licence under section 8 of the Railways Act 1993.
Terminal operator means a person who owns, operates, or otherwise controls a terminal.
tour operator means, with the exception of an air carrier, an organiser within the meaning of Article 2, point 2, of Council Directive 90/314/EEC of 13 June 1990 on package travel, package holidays and package tours (2);
economic operator means any natural or legal person or public entity or group of such persons and/or entities, including any temporary association of undertakings, which offers the execution of works and/or a work, the supply of products or the provision of services on the market;
DRIVER / OPERATOR means an individual possessing sound mental and physical health who must be in possession of an appropriate professional Driving License and
Generator Operator means the entity that operates generating unit(s) and performs the functions of supplying energy and interconnected operations services and the other functions of a generator operator as described in NERC’s Statement of Compliance Registry Criteria located on the NERC website.
Gatherer As defined in the preamble of this Agreement.
Anchor Tenant means, with respect to a Community Renewable Energy Generation Project, the non-End Use Customer subscriber designated by Seller as such under its SFA application.” The following is added as Section 1.3.3:
airport operator A natural or legal person authorized to manage or operate an airport. “Airport Tax” It is the amount charged to a Passenger for the use of the airport facilities that can be collected by THE CARRIER with prior authorization, either on the ticket or at each airport, and must be paid by the Passenger. “Airway Ticket or Ticket” (GENERAL DEFINITION). It is the document issued by THE CARRIER or its Authorized Agent as written proof of the transportation agreement. The term that will be used in this Agreement is ticket.
Network Operator means the company licensed to operate the electricity distribution network in your area.
Property Manager means an entity that has been retained to perform and carry out at one or more of the Properties property-management services, excluding persons, entities or independent contractors retained or hired to perform facility management or other services or tasks at a particular Property, the costs for which are passed through to and ultimately paid by the tenant at such Property.
Project Owner means the legal entity that ultimately owns the Project and to which Tax Credits will be allocated.
Non-Lead Operating Advisor means the “trust advisor”, “operating advisor” or other analogous term under any Non-Lead Securitization Servicing Agreement.
Qualified Operator means a Person that has at least five (5) years’ experience operating power generation and storage facilities generally similar to the Facility.
economic operators means the manufacturer, the authorised representative, the importer and the distributor;
Project Water means water made available for delivery to the contractors by project conservation facilities and the transportation facilities included in the System.
the Operator means a person holding a Licence to operate Private Hire Vehicles issued pursuant to Section 55 of the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976.
Maintenance and Operations Revenue or “M&O Revenue” means (i) those revenues which the District receives from the levy of its annual ad valorem maintenance and operations tax pursuant to Section 45.002 of the TEXAS EDUCATION CODE, or other lawful authority, and Article VII § 3 of the TEXAS CONSTITUTION, plus (ii) all State revenues to which the District is or may be entitled under the applicable provisions of the TEXAS EDUCATION CODE or any other statutory provision as well as any amendment or successor statute to these provisions, as applicable, less
aircraft operator means a person that operated at least 729 commercial air transport flights departing from Union airports in the reporting period or, where that person may not be identified, the owner of the aircraft;
Operators means the Access Provider and the Access Seeker collectively.
multi-system operator or “MSO” means a cable operator who has been granted registration under rule 11 of the Cable Television Networks Rules, 1994 and who receives a programming service from a broadcaster and re-transmits the same or transmits his own programming service for simultaneous reception either by multiple subscribers directly or through one or more local cable operators;