quality (functionality means the totality of features and characteristics of a product or service that bear on its ability to satisfy stated or implied needs F.1.4 Communication and employer’s agentEach communication between the employer and a tenderer shall be to or from the employer's agent only, and in a form that can be read, copied and recorded. Writing shall be in the English language. The employer shall not take any responsibility for non-receipt of communications from or by a tenderer. The name and contact details of the employer’s agent are stated in the tender data. F.1.5 The employer’s right to accept or reject any tender offer F.1.5.1 The employer may accept or reject any variation, deviation, tender offer, or alternative tender offer, and may cancel the tender process and reject all tender offers at any time before the formation of a contract. The employer shall not accept or incur any liability to a tenderer for such cancellation and rejection, but will give written reasons for such action upon written request to do so. F.1.5.2 The employer may not subsequent to the cancellation or abandonment of a tender process or the rejection of all responsive tender offers re-issue a tender covering substantially the same scope of work within a period of six months unless only one tender was received and such tender was returned unopened to the tenderer. F.2 Tenderer’s obligations F.2.1 EligibilitySubmit a tender offer only if the tenderer satisfies the criteria stated in the tender data and the tenderer, or any of his principals, is not under any restriction to do business with employer. F.2.2 Cost of tenderingAccept that the employer will not compensate the tenderer for any costs incurred in the preparation and submission of a tender offer, including the costs of any testing necessary to demonstrate that aspects of the offer satisfy requirements. F.2.3 Check documentsCheck the tender documents on receipt for completeness and notify the employer of any discrepancy or omission. F.2.4 Confidentiality and copyright of documentsTreat as confidential all matters arising in connection with the tender. Use and copy the documents issued by the employer only for the purpose of preparing and submitting a tender offer in response to the invitation. F.2.5 Reference documentsObtain, as necessary for submitting a tender offer, copies of the latest versions of standards, specifications, conditions of contract and other publications, which are not attached but which are incorporated into the tender documents by reference. F.2.6 Acknowledge addendaAcknowledge receipt of addenda to the tender documents, which the employer may issue, and if necessary apply for an extension to the closing time stated in the tender data, in order to take the addenda into account. F.2.7 Clarification meetingAttend, where required, a clarification meeting at which tenderers may familiarize themselves with aspects of the proposed work, services or supply and raise questions. Details of the meeting(s) are stated in the tender data. F.2.8 Seek clarificationRequest clarification of the tender documents, if necessary, by notifying the employer at least five working days before the closing time stated in the tender data. F.2.9 InsuranceBe aware that the extent of insurance to be provided by the employer (if any) might not be for the full cover required in terms of the conditions of contract identified in the contract data. The tenderer is advised to seek qualified advice regarding insurance. F.2.10 Pricing the tender offer F.2.10.1 Include in the rates, prices, and the tendered total of the prices (if any) all duties, taxes (except Value Added Tax (VAT), and other levies payable by the successful tenderer, such duties, taxes and levies being those applicable 14 days before the closing time stated in the tender data. F2.10.2 Show VAT payable by the employer separately as an addition to the tendered total of the prices.
functionality means the ability of a tenderer to provide goods or services in accordance with specifications as set out in the tender documents.
School function means any school-sponsored extra-curricular event or activity.
Governmental function means an activity that is expressly or impliedly mandated or authorized by constitution, statute, local charter or ordinance, or other law. Governmental function includes an activity performed on public or private property by a sworn law enforcement officer within the scope of the law enforcement officer's authority, as directed or assigned by his or her public employer for the purpose of public safety.
Interoperability means the ability of a CenturyLink OSS Function to process seamlessly (i.e., without any manual intervention) business transactions with CLEC's OSS application, and vice versa, by means of secure exchange of transaction data models that use data fields and usage rules that can be received and processed by the other Party to achieve the intended OSS Function and related response. (See also Electronic Bonding.)
Guaranteed asset protection waiver means that term as defined in section 3 of the guaranteed asset protection waiver act.
Electronic Subcontracting Reporting System (eSRS) means the Governmentwide, electronic, web-based system for small business subcontracting program reporting. The eSRS is located at http://www.esrs.gov.
Safety-sensitive function means all time from the time a driver begins to work or is required to be in readiness to work until the time he/she is relieved from work and all responsibility for performing work.
Contract Player means any Player (other than a Player on a Scholarship) who is eligible to play under a written contract of employment with a Club.
Filter profile means a graphical representation of individual filter performance, based on continuous turbidity measurements or total particle counts versus time for an entire filter run, from startup to backwash inclusively, that includes an assessment of filter performance while another filter is being backwashed.
Utilization review organization means a person that conducts utilization review, other than a health carrier performing a review for its own health plans.
Credit union service organization means an organization, corporation, or association whose membership or ownership is primarily confined or restricted to credit unions or organizations of credit unions and whose purpose is primarily designed to provide services to credit unions, organizations of credit unions, or credit union members.
Pharmacist preceptor or “preceptor” means a pharmacist licensed to practice pharmacy whose license is current and in good standing. Preceptors shall meet the conditions and requirements of rule 657—4.9(155A). No pharmacist shall serve as a preceptor while the pharmacist’s license to practice pharmacy is the subject of disciplinary sanction by a pharmacist licensing authority.
Propagation means the reproduction of Regulated Marijuana plants by seeds, cuttings, or grafting.
Nondegradation means the prevention of a significant change in water quality that lowers the quality of high-quality water for one or more parameters. Also, the prohibition of any increase in discharge that exceeds the limits established under or determined from a permit or approval issued by the Department prior to April 29, 1993.
Disinfection profile means a summary of daily Giardia lamblia inactivation through the treatment plant. The procedure for developing a disinfection profile is contained in s. NR 810.32.
Acupuncture means a form of health care developed from traditional and modern oriental medical concepts that employs oriental medical diagnosis and treatment, and adjunctive therapies and diagnostic techniques, for the promotion, maintenance, and restoration of health and the prevention of disease.
Coordinated care organization means an organization meeting criteria adopted by the
Degradation means a decrease in the useful life of the right-of-way caused by excavation in or disturbance of the right-of-way, resulting in the need to reconstruct such right-of-way earlier than would be required if the excavation or disturbance did not occur.
Isolation means a behavior management technique in which a student is placed alone in an enclosed space from which the student is not prevented from leaving.
Payload means all property to be flown or used on or in a Launch Vehicle.
Guaranteed Agreement means the Framework Agreement and each Call-Off Contract made between the Supplier and each Other Contracting Body;
Sub-contracting means the primary contractor’s assigning or leasing or making out work to, or employing another person to support such primary contractor in the execution of part of a project in terms of the contract.
Procurement organization means an eye bank, organ procurement organization, or tissue bank.
Subcontracting means any action, practice, or effort by an
Disaster Management Act means the Disaster Management Act, 2002 (Act No.57 of 2002)