H–2A worker definition
Examples of H–2A worker in a sentence
Req- uisite intent cannot be established for two years after an employer or joint employer, or a parent, subsidiary or af- filiate thereof, is found to have vio- lated section 274(a) of the Act or to have employed an H–2A worker in a po- sition other than that described in the relating petition.(C) Initial evidence.
The employer is not relieved of its obligation to provide or pay for return transportation and subsistence if an H–2A worker is dis- placed as a result of the employer’s compliance with the 50 percent rule as described in § 655.135(d) of this subpart with respect to the referrals made after the employer’s date of need.
For an H–2A worker going from an H–2A em- ployer to a subsequent H–2A employer, the copy must be provided no later than the time an offer of employment is made by the subsequent H–2A em- ployer.
The employer must provide to an H–2A worker no later than the time at which the worker applies for the visa, or to a worker in corresponding employment no later than on the day work com- mences, a copy of the work contract between the employer and the worker in a language understood by the work- er as necessary or reasonable.
The bond must obligate the surety to pay any sums to the WHD Adminis- trator for wages and benefits owed to an H–2A worker or to a worker engaged in corresponding employment, or to aU.S. worker improperly rejected or im- properly laid off or displaced, based on a final decision finding a violation or violations of this part or 20 CFR part 655, subpart B relating to the labor cer- tification the bond is intended to cover.
The enforce- ment functions carried out by the WHD under 8 U.S.C. 1188, 20 CFR part 655, subpart B, and the regulations in this part apply to the employment of any H–2A worker and any other worker in corresponding employment as the re- sult of any Application for Temporary Employment Certification filed with the Department on and after March 15, 2010.
The H–2A worker is authorized to com- mence employment with the petitioner before the petition is approved and sub- ject to the requirements of 8 CFR 274a.12(b)(28) for a period of up to 45 days beginning on the Received Date on Form I–797 (Notice of Action) or, if the start date of employment occurs after the I–797 Received Date, 45 days beginning on the start date of employ- ment indicated in the H–2A petition.
If the employer affords the U.S. or H–2A worker during the total work contract period less employment than that required under this paragraph (b)(6), the employer shall pay such worker the amount which the worker would have earned had the worker, infact, worked for the guaranteed number of days.
A petition for replacements does not constitute the notice that an H–2A worker has absconded or has ended au- thorized employment more than five days before the relating certification expires.
In this case, however, expressing love to neighbors also includes showing kindness to enemies.