Examples of Habitat creation in a sentence
This project Project title e.g. Habitat creation and water quality improvement at Home Farm Please give a short description of this project e.g. Planting 300m hedgerow with hedgerow trees, sow 30ha of wildflower meadow and restoration of 2 dew ponds Expected start date DD/MM/YYYY Expected completion date DD/MM/YYYY Project Outcomes Project summary A description of this project.
This projectProject title e.g. Habitat creation and water quality improvement at Home Farm Please give a short description of this project e.g. Planting 300m hedgerow with hedgerow trees, sow 30ha of wildflower meadow and restoration of 2 dew ponds Expected start date DD/MM/YYYY Expected completion date DD/MM/YYYY Project OutcomesProject summary A description of this project.Please provide an overview of your project.
Habitat creation must fit with the ecological landscape character area.Additional consultation with relevant stakeholders and conservation organisations is advised.
Habitat creation associated with the site should tie closely to the Nature Recovery Network areas to the northwest and southeast, both of which focus on watercourses and associated riparian habitats.
We advise that if planning permission is granted there is a need for the following conditions to be included: Updated ecological surveys at the commencement of each phase; Habitat creation plan – clearly setting out the habitats that will be created during phase 2; Detailed lighting strategy; Ongoing monitoring to demonstrate the mitigation has been successful; Review, update and Implementation of ecological mitigation strategy at each phase; Landscape Ecological Management Plan.
Habitat creation should correspond with the landscape character assessment; additional consultation with SNH is advised where a national designation or a scheduled species is involved.
Habitat creation and restoration is already carried out or funded by a wide range of organisations including government departments and agencies, voluntary conservation organisations, the Heritage Lottery Fund, grant-giving charities, landfill tax bodies, businesses and private landowners (see Box 1).
Habitat creation on mineral sites offers the minerals industry, working together with planners and conservation organisations, an opportunity to contribute to the UK Biodiversity Action Plan(UK BAP) targets.
Examples of particular interest include:o Habitat creation for SAR reptiles and amphibianso Foraging habitat and/or nesting structures for Bank Swallows, Barn Swallows,Chimney Swiftso Approaches to mitigate impacts of urban land development on SAR fish and mussels • Research that investigates methods to immediately reduce/remove the benefits that road or other linear features provides predators (e.g. facilitated travel, increased prey encounters) within Caribou (Boreal population) habitat.
Habitat creation by government and its agencies, grant- giving trusts, businesses and the voluntary sector requires greater focus on the needs of ecological networks, in particular the need to contribute to Ecological Restoration Zones.