Examples of Head of a Procuring Entity in a sentence
The Head of a Procuring Entity and any other Official to whom such responsibility is delegated shall be responsible and accountable for all procurement actions taken.
Within 5 working days of receipt of the complaint the Head of a Procuring Entity shall issue a written decision to the tenderer stating the reasons for the rejection of the complaint or advising on the corrective action that has been taken.
If the tenderer is not satisfied with the written decision of the Head of a Procuring Entity and wishes to pursue its complaint, it must within 3 working days proceed in accordance with Regulation 51(6).
The Head of a Procuring Entity may also delegate in writing this full authority to give final approval and/or enter into government contracts awarded through public bidding as circumstances may warrant (i.e. to decentralization of procurement in a government agency), subject to such limitations as he may impose.
Subject to the Delegation of Financial Powers and subject also to such guidance and instructions regarding the implementation of these Regulations as may be given by the CPTU, the Head of a Procuring Entity, or authorised nominee, is ultimately responsible for decisions and actions taken by a procuring entity under these Regulations.
A negative determination shall result in rejection of the Tenderer’s Tender, in which event the Purchaser shall proceed to the next lowest evaluated Tender to make a similar determination of that Tenderer’s capabilities to perform satisfactorily.45.1 The Purchaser reserves the right to reject all the Tenders or annul the procurement proceedings, only after obtaining approval of the Head of a Procuring Entity, without thereby incurring any liability to Tenderers.
At the end of each fiscal year the Head of a Procuring Entity of each procuring entity with a procurement volume more than Taka (as specified in Appendix A) in that year, shall undertake post review of its procurement operations using independent consultants.
Unless a satisfactory explanation is given, which is accepted by the Head of a Procuring Entity, the procuring entity shall exclude the tenderer/supplier from further participation in the procurement proceedings or execution of contract.
Exceptionally, and only when justified on sound technical and/or economic grounds the Head of a Procuring Entity may also authorise procurement other than open tendering pursuant to Regulations 17 to 20.
If so specified in the tender documents or in a request for proposals or a request for quotation a procuring entity, after obtaining the approval of the Head of a Procuring Entity, may reject all tenders, proposals or quotations at any time prior to their acceptance.