Examples of Head of Branch in a sentence
AL-HAMED 1: FIRAS 2: n/a 3: n/a 4: n/a 5: n/a.a.k.a: AL-HAMID, Firas Nationality: Syria Position: Head of Branch 318 (Homs) of the General Intelligence Directorate.
MA'ALA 1: IBRAHIM 2: n/a 3: n/a 4: n/a 5: n/a.a.k.a: (1) MAALA, Ibrahim (2) MAALE, Ibrahim Nationality: Syria Position: Head of Branch 285 (Damascus) of the General Intelligence Directorate.
You should not imply Pictet’s sponsorship or support of any outside event or organisation without the approval of a Director, Head of Branch or ExCo member.
HAMAD 1: SALAH 2: n/a 3: n/a 4: n/a 5: n/a.Title: Brigadier General Position: Deputy Head of Branch 291 of the army's intelligence service Other Information: (UK Sanctions List Ref):SYR0212 Date designated on UK Sanctions List: 31/12/2020 (UK Statement of Reasons):Deputy Head of Branch 291 of the army's intelligence service.Responsible for the torture of opponents in custody (Gender):Male Listed on: 24/07/2012 Last Updated: 31/12/2020 Group ID: 12707.
MASA 1: SHA'AFIQ 2: n/a 3: n/a 4: n/a 5: n/a.Title: Brigadier General POB: Al-Zara (Hama), Syria a.k.a: (1) MASA, Sha’afiq (2) MASA, Shafik (3) MASA, Shafiq (4) MASSA, Sha’afiq (5) MASSA, Shafik (6) MASSA, Shafiq Position: Head of Branch 215 (Damascus) of the army's intelligence service Other Information: (UK Sanctions List Ref):SYR0220 Date designated on UK Sanctions List: 31/12/2020 (UK Statement of Reasons):Head of Branch 215 (Damascus) of the army's intelligence service.
HAMAD 1: SALAH 2: n/a 3: n/a 4: n/a 5: n/a.Position: Deputy Head of Branch 291 of the army's intelligence service Other Information: (UK Sanctions List Ref):SYR0212 (UK Statement of Reasons):Deputy Head of Branch 291 of the army's intelligence service.
The assessment of technical and lump sum fee proposals submitted by a Consultant chosen by direct selection shall be carried out in a similar manner to Sections 3.9 and 3.10 except that the sealed fee proposal shall be sent under separate cover to the appropriate Head of Branch and not to the Chairman of AACSB.
The highest-ranking person (e.g. District Commander/designated Head of Branch) will also be the Officer in Charge of Premises/Site, unless otherwise documented as a local arrangement.
KHALLOUF 1: MUHAMMAD 2: n/a 3: n/a 4: n/a 5: n/a.a.k.a: EZZAT, Abou Position: Head of Branch 235 of Army’s Intelligence Service Other Information: (UK Sanctions List Ref):SYR0175 (UK Statement of Reasons):Former Head of Branch 235, a.k.a. ‘Palestine’ or ‘Far'Falastin’ (Damascus) of the army's intelligence service, which is at the centre of the army's apparatus of repression.
MA'ALA 1: IBRAHIM 2: n/a 3: n/a 4: n/a 5: n/a.Title: Brigadier General a.k.a: (1) MAALA, Ibrahim (2) MAALE, Ibrahim Nationality: Syrian Position: Head of Branch 285 (Damascus) of the General Intelligence Directorate.