Examples of Head Start in a sentence
Select “Yes,” “No,” or “N/A” to indicate whether the project has a designated staff person responsible for ensuring that children and youth are enrolled in school and connected to the appropriate services within the community, including early childhood education programs such as Head Start, Part C of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, and McKinney-Vento education services.
This section is required for school, WIC, Head Start, child care settings, and some other programs.
For example, Lead Agencies can allow children enrolled in Head Start, Early Head Start, state or local Prekindergarten, and other collaborative programs to finish the program year or, similarly, parents enrolled in school can have eligibility extended to allow parents to finish their school year.
In addition, smoking is prohibited in any indoor facility or portion of a facility (owned, leased, or contracted for) used for the routine or regular provision of federally funded health care, day care, or early childhood development, including Head Start services to children under the age of 18.
The school has a dedicated representative who works with area preschools, daycares, Head Start programs, etc., in ensuring kindergarten readiness.