Specialist medical practitioner means a specialist as defined in section 3 of the Health Insurance Act 1973.
medical practitioner means a person who holds a valid registration from the Medical Council of any State or Medical Council of India or Council for Indian Medicine or for Homeopathy set up by the Government of India or a State Government and is thereby entitled to practice medicine within its jurisdiction; and is acting within its scope and jurisdiction of license. The registered practitioner should not be the insured or close Family members.
general medical practitioner means a general practitioner as defined in section 3 of the Health Insurance Act 1973.
Qualified Medical Practitioner means any person legally authorized by the Government with jurisdiction in the geographical area of his or her practice to render medical or surgical service, but excluding a qualified medical practitioner who is the Insured Person or an Immediate Family Member of the Insured Person.
Health practitioner means a registered health practitioner registered or licensed as a health practitioner under an appropriate law of the State of Tasmania.
registered medical practitioner means a medical practitioner registered under the Medical Act 1971 [Act 50];
Dental practitioner means a person in private practice registered by the Australian Dental Association.
School health services means health services provided by a qualified school nurse or other qualified person that are designed to enable a child with a disability to receive FAPE as described in the child’s IEP.
Health services means, but shall not be limited to, examination, diagnosis, evaluation, treatment, pharmaceuticals, aftercare, habilitation or rehabilitation and mental health therapy of any kind, as well as payment or reimbursement for any such services.
Licensed health care practitioner means a physician, as defined in Section 1861(r)(1) of the Social Security Act, a registered professional nurse, licensed social worker or other individual who meets requirements prescribed by the Secretary of the Treasury.
Behavioral health services means mental health services as
general practitioner means a medical practitioner engaged in the provision of primary, continuing whole-patient care to individuals, families and their community not being a vocationally registered general practitioner.
Medical history means information regarding any:
Mental health services means interventions designed to provide the maximum reduction of mental disability and restoration or maintenance of functioning consistent with the requirements for learning, development and enhanced self-sufficiency. Services shall include: a. Assessment means a service activity, which may include a clinical analysis of the history and current status of a beneficiary’s mental, emotional, or behavioral disorder, relevant cultural issues and history, Diagnosis and the use of testing procedures.
Nurse practitioner means an advanced practice registered nurse who is jointly licensed by the
Health Service means a Local Health District constituted under section 8 of the Health Services Act 1997, a Statutory Health Corporation constituted under section 11 of that Act, and an Affiliated Health Organisation constituted under section 13 of that Act.
Medical cannabis means the same as that term is defined in Section 26-61a-102.
Health service area or “HSA” refers to the distinct geographic regions described in Section 4.1.4 or the Vermont Blueprint for Health Manual.