Height of Sign definition
Examples of Height of Sign in a sentence
STANDARDS FOR SUBDIVISION SIGNS Districts Permitted Maximum Number Permitted Maximum Area of Sign Maximum Height of Sign Location of Sign R-1 & R-2 Single-Family & R-3 Single- & Two-Family Residential One sign per street bordering or entering the subdivision Article IX.
Height of Sign means the vertical distance measured from the highest point of the sign to the nearest finished grade and includes any support structure.
Sign Height or Height of Sign: Unless otherwise specified, the height of a sign or billboard is the vertical distancebetween the top of its advertising area and the nearest existing or approved grade of the earth’s surface.
In an effort to identify recommendations, the Task Force held six regional summits throughout the State, in 2015, to hear testimony from addiction treatment professionals, those with substance use disorders, and other stakeholders.
Height of ground mounted signs shall not exceed eight feet above average grade (see definition: Height of Sign).