High enriched uranium definition

High enriched uranium means uranium containing 20 percent or more of the isotope uranium-235.
High enriched uranium means uranium enriched to twenty percent or greater in the isotope 235;
High enriched uranium means uranium with an

Examples of High enriched uranium in a sentence

  • High enriched uranium (HEU) cluster rods are currently authorized contents for this package.

  • High enriched uranium (HEU) is similar to natural uraniuminallmechanical, chemical, andmetallurgicalproperties.

  • The benchmark problems have been divided into six groups: High enriched uranium systems (HEU), intermediate enriched uranium systems (IEU), low enriched uranium systems (LEU), mixed oxide systems (MOX), plutonium systems (Pu), and 233U systems (U-233).

  • High enriched uranium produced through the use of sensitive nuclear facilities and major critical components subject to this Agreement, and plutonium, uranium 233 and high enriched uranium recovered from source or special nuclear material used in or produced through the use of sensitive nuclear facilities and major critical components subject to this Agreement, shall only be stored in a facility which the Parties mutually accept.

  • High- enriched uranium (HEU), the ingredient in the first U.S. nuclear bomb, is produced by concentrating the isotope U-235 in an enrichment plant.

More Definitions of High enriched uranium

High enriched uranium means uranium enriched to twenty percent or greater in the isotope 235.
High enriched uranium means uranium containing 20 per cent or more of the isotope uranium-235;
High enriched uranium means uranium containing 20 per cent or more ofthe isotope uranium-235;
High enriched uranium means uranium containing 20 percent or more of the isotope uranium-235.” 4.1.1. Purpose and Use of the Information by the IAEA

Related to High enriched uranium

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