High pressure distribution system means a distribution system in which the gas pressure in the main is higher than the pressure provided to the customer.
High pressure distribution system means a distribution system in which the gas pressure in the main is higher than the pressure provided to the customer.” 49 C.F.R. § 192.3. operation in an emergency.(2) The operating stem or mechanism must be readily accessible.” 49 C.F.R. § 192.181(c)(1)-(2).Conversely, there is no requirement in 49 C.F.R. § 192.605 for an operator to have a maintenance program to preserve the accessibility of all distribution line valves. This is underscored in a September 12, 2003 Opinion Letter, issued by the U.S. DOT Office of Pipeline Safety (Exh. 27).
High pressure distribution system means a distribution system in which the gas pressure in the main
Examples of High pressure distribution system in a sentence
High pressure distribution system means a distribution system in which the gas pressure in the main is higher than the pressure provided to the customer.