high risk definition
Examples of high risk in a sentence
Pervasive and its suppliers specifically disclaim any express or implied warranty of fitness for High Risk Activities.
Nevron advises that the Software is not fault tolerant and is not intended for use in High Risk Activities.
Named Insured and Loss Payee on Loss of Rent: [INVESTOR NAME] [Address] Flood Insurance is required if the Project is in any of the following High Risk Flood Zones: A, AE, A1-A30, AH, AO, AR, or A99; High Risk Zone, Coastal Area, Zones: V, VE, V1-30 or an Undetermined Risk Area (Zone D).
The Products are not specifically designed, tested, manufactured or intended for operation or use in any inherently dangerous, life endangering or life support applications where any failure of the Products could lead to death, personal injury or significant physical or environmental damage (High Risk Activities).
You agree that use of the Software in High Risk Activities is at your own risk, that you have been advised to obtain suitable perils insurance against risk in an amount commensurate with your risk of loss, and to retain a consultant or consultants skilled in developing applications using the Software and in testing any such applications before use.